Monday, December 21, 2009

Vinegar Clean Pressing Comb

Italy wound

Dear friends, I know what you are thinking ... Here, even after Blu soul what happened to Silvio was electrocuted on the road to Damascus and was converted to the cause of Berlusconi. Of course, the title of this post below with pictures attached would be better placed as the opening of "Il Giornale" Victor Felts or "free" Belpietro. And do not, of course. As always, you will discover further in the sense of it all. Well, So, let's start from the beginning. E 'success a fact (you all know, needless to tell you about it then): Berlusconi hurt. Thumbnail of Milan Cathedral, crowds of people, some Massimo Tartaglia takes aim and hits the President. I want to tell you my own personal feeling, first of all ... For the first time in my life I had before the image of a different Berlusconi. Logical, you say, it never happened anything like that. Yes, probably, but after years and years that Berlusconi has been and is portrayed as a man infallible, indestructible, always on the crest of the wave to see the expression on his face in pain, confused, shocked, from the blood coming out , gave me the impression of a man whatsoever, an old affliction, and I'm not ashamed to say I tried almost ... Compassion. This, again, is a personal feeling and I felt that I wanted to tell you. The act itself is, of course, condemned and frankly I think it's really sad having to find in 2009 (almost 2010) to still have to say certain things. It 's sad to think that in our civilized society the value of Non - Violence is still so rare. Violence must be put away forever, without ifs or buts, no good reasons can justify it (except for those cases where you are attacked with violence, or worse, are attacked the innocent and helpless ... I am reminded, for example, the partisan struggle against Nazi-Fascism): since you use violence against a person is immediately in the wrong, you can have all the more justifiable reasons for doing so but will self-destruct. The End, in my opinion, never justifies the means (except, again, in some particular situations ... Fortunately, very rare). That said, it is clear that in Italy there is a climate of hate. But it is a life that is hate in Italy. Perhaps the hatred is born with Italy itself. The Italians are a people with many merits and virtues, but certainly the concept of "Respect for the Other" does not even know what it is. And perhaps that is one explanation why ours is the only country in Europe that a phenomenon like the mafia. After the attack on Berlusconi his faithful and loyal they immediately worked to foist yet another dance to the Italians that the accused Silvio to be a mafioso, and so stragista has armed the hand of a mentally unstable. Now: I think that if a madman takes a cathedral in miniature, and throws him against the prime minister does not do it only as crazy, but also the social climate that breathes, but to say that this climate of hate and everything result of the opposition and, with the complicity of the media, paint Berlusconi almost as a kind of martyr of our times ... Well, it seems very risky. Gentlemen, we have had in recent months (even years, also including other legislatures) a President of the Council based its government policy almost exclusively on trying to scamparsela processes that see him accused ... In every way imaginable. I say, but even his dolphin show every time a new law ad personam they no longer have difficulty in admitting that it is to protect Berlusconi. Shit, is obvious. To not look bad, then came up with the history of judicial persecution, the red robes of the plot. This tale that I have invented is something I find extremely serious, respect for the judiciary (which should be, I dare say, something almost sacred) literally goes to hell. Oh yes, because if we teach that if a citizen is accused so many times it is because is haunted by the courts, then anyone can say for itself. Even the mafia, who are the defendants in a variety of processes, it can be said to be haunted. Anyone. Cade a pillar of our democracy. In no other country would have happened a thing, would have burst a slaughterhouse. On the other hand, we rose to the pill as usual. Another pillar of democracy they wanted to break down (thankfully they wanted, yet remained standing ... Even if you do not know for how much) with various Lodi ... Before Schifani, then Alfano ... Names change, but the substance remains the same. When a Constitutional Court, which defends the Constitution, boccia these devices by applying the most important of our democratic principles, that all citizens are equal before the law, here that leave all kinds of insults against an organ to which, again, would lead the utmost respect. The climate of hate created it mainly Berlusconi, it is unnecessary for us to come to tell or do the politically correct for the simple fact that he hates anyone stop his plans. And his project is not going to stand trial. So let me, it is plausible to me that the city is reasonable doubt that it can be really guilty of the crimes of which he is accused? Heck, if a person is innocent, why should not stand trial? It would be the same person to want, have the conscience to be right, and then wants to that the truth emerges. Among other things, there are several levels of courts, with judges obviously different at every step of the case, and certainly our Silvietta national elite can afford lawyers. Another beautiful dance that passes for true is that Mr. B. would not have tried to respect the will of the people who elected him. The will of the people must stop in front of the judiciary. The judiciary acts in protection of the citizens themselves. Citizens are not prosecutors, if those who voted guilty of a crime will never know. Certainly not tell him the news. So then if the person was elected is accused of something must resign (because you can not reconcile an institutional function with an ongoing process, both for moral and ethical and practical), goes to stand trial if he is acquitted may well recur the next election, otherwise it makes her beautiful attaches when it comes out of prison and certainly can not think of return to institutional roles. It would take a good law, as requested by Beppe Grillo: convicts out by the governing bodies forever, if you are in the process of political withdrawal, if finally acquitted of freedom reoccur. In short, the institutions are valuable and should continue to do so. Who manages them must rise to ethical and moral to do so. You see, dear friends, the problem is this, a Berlusconi private conception of the state (in fact the process of privatizing everything, lacking only the air now), for its own use and consumption. The truth is that he does not even have a conception of politics, sociology, in the head. The policy considers it a powerful tool (along with others) to enhance her figure, the person, in a huge and growing ego. His government policy is aimed to remove the hindrances, to encourage him and those like him. Point. Many people have the right to vote just because Berlusconi is right, or rather because Berlusconi is right. They make me smile (so to speak) his loyal when they say that there was too much customization on Berlusconi by the media, the opposition, and so on. Others are not, he is able to channel all and all about himself. It 's his "charisma", his driving force, the secret to power and he knows it well. It is for this reason that just after he was hit in the Piazza del Duomo wanted out of the car, climb on the running board and show (albeit weak) to his people ... As a soldier, wounded, gets up again. The other day a philosopher Santoro (of which I can not remember the name) said that this self-customization could very well trigger a mechanism of obsessive fixation on a non-perfectly balanced. Well, I agree fully. I share a personal experience because I live where this is true. My grandmother. My grandmother is a person smart in many ways, just the other day he turned 90 years old. Like many seniors, however, has episodes of dementia ... His main problem is that watching too much television. In recent years I and my family, we began to realize that passionate about politics (she as a young man who has never shown any particular interest, in fact ...), and so far nothing bad. But then his interest in politics (thanks probably the TV which, as mentioned, takes in large amounts) has begun to move mainly on the figure of Berlusconi in an obsessive way, so that whatever happens is his fault. In short, he personified everything evil in the world. But at the same time, was born of a love-hate relationship ... If a day does not see it or feel it is almost evil, or at certain times of black-out rather than speak ill of speech addressed to him in high esteem. Of course, then every disease is in itself (I do not think my grandmother would never harm the physical, trovandoselo front) but the mechanism is the same. Returning for the personal use of the policy is that Berlusconi reassures me to see that, fortunately, on the other side there is someone in this game there is. Purposes, for example. Fini I is not nice, but I recognize the fact that he is in politics because he believes and why he loves her. First, do not want a country to its own use, and the second he realized that to live in a society certain essential democratic values \u200b\u200bmust be shared (such as the migrant issue, etc.). It 'been very courageous in recent months, it was unmarked Berlusconi strongly from the line and was always consistent with himself. I very much appreciated, for example, which has brought its human solidarity to Berlusconi but at the same time, the next day when there was to criticize the government sull'ennesima reliance on the Budget has not posed problems in doing so .. . And even harder. I expect (or hope) that continue to prevent this wave all the way Berlusconi to continue its saving tricks myself. Short trial already has a little limp, the risk is that if Berlusconi falls all fall ... Fini including himself, and knows that without Gianfranco Silvio is not going very far (despite the strong support recently completed). Of course, continuing the rift between the two become a chasm and roads inevitably would split ... And the People of Freedom, co-founded, which would end? Well, we'll see. And the opposition? Well, as always, the Italy of Values \u200b\u200b(though I'd give less importance to Berlusconi, and speak of proposals), the Democratic Party instead of trudging seems a big whale beached on the coast ... Bersani Buddha seems depressed, and had the makings of a leader as Berlusconi that an honest man. We strongly recommend sending D'Alema in retirement, his arguments in favor of a compromise with the PDL-saving standards premier show that advanced age and probably deserved a little rest would not hurt. Joking aside, I hope that the Left not in yet helmets pitfall of the Right, this time called Democratic Pact (resembles a lot to the Democratic Party, do not you?). Long wave of the attack the opposition to Berlusconi wants inguaiare "semi-dormant finally snatching the tacit assent of all the laws and ad-Silvium sneaky. One thing is to tone down, another is that no one can say from now on to criticize (too hard) the government on pain of being accused of terrorist media and instigator of fools. This is What a bell'inciucio. The PD also pay attention to possible alliances with the UDC (remember that the game of Casino & Co has always been favorable to the various Lodi, nuclear and so on), and kindly support Vendola in Puglia. Well, as usual I rambled a bit ... The central theme of this article would be the climate of hate in Italy, and the deep wound (so many gathered in one) that rips our beautiful country. Hence the title for my post. Oh yes, because in addition to wound Berlusconi (which I repeat must go all our human solidarity and condemnation of the violent act, but nothing more), Italy is full of bleeding open: the hatred of immigrants, one on everything. The usual hypocritical of the league that go on TV to accuse Di Pietro and the other of fomenting aggression, are not they the ones who most bloodthirsty warriors Minutes? We want to remember the Gentilini, Borghezio, Calderoli? We want to remind the young that Padani, arrogant, facing the shouting telecare "OUT OF THE NEGRI ITALY AND THE JEWS? We want to remind the various municipalities that not only allow non-praying, but actually not even meet each other in cultural centers and be able to speak a foreign language? Well, this is a deep wound fed by hatred ... It 'a time bomb that threatens to break out and bring the country to the brink of civil war (Which in some ways has already begun). And then remember the wound of work: more than two million people without jobs, forced to climb on roofs, occupying factories ... While more and more increases in the number of those who, in conditions of hunger, Italians in Italy. And school? Our dear Government, with Mrs. Gelmini, and its massive funding cuts and staff. Even here I can take a personal example: my brother. My brother is 12, suffers from Down syndrome and therefore still attending elementary school. Until last year had a teacher support that covered virtually the entire working week, with reforms Gelmini died on 1 to 1 ratio. My brother, for the State, this year would have only 6 hours of support throughout the week. My parents broke some boxes, then claiming it to be better. With the money of the Piedmont Region and the province (so no government) are paid two other people (a retired teacher and a graduate student) who, together with teacher support, they cover almost (almost a whole day because it is found) all necessary. But what happens ... It happens that no longer exists for the 1 to 1, it is clear that if the child does not provide a figure fixed reference, but ask him three (two of which, among other things, they know nothing in the area of \u200b\u200bsupport) that must coordinate well with each other should not be at all well. The result? My brother goes almost every morning in front of the PC or the TV to watch cartoons, and the notebooks are more beautiful but not written as in previous years. This is integration? This is not an open wound? Leave behind those who, however, would need more tools to compete ... Do you want to reopen the special classes, then say it clearly! It 'really un'eugenetica social and cultural. As we have seen, then, of wounds in Italy there are only those of Berlusconi ... But he certainly does not help the wounds of the beautiful country and to close them riemarginarle, but rather to expand and make them bleed more. Anyway ... Merry Christmas and Happy 2010 (hopefully, with the usual utopian, both better than closing it) from Blue Soul

Romantic Love Making Vidoes

Men ... The crazy Dr.

Husband and wife take a walk in the countryside. Having had a very strong debate, do not talk. Till, past a farm, where you see the donkeys and pigs, the husband dares to break the silence and says, 'Go, ... are your family? The wife promptly answered: Yes, captured!

A man reads the newspaper and tells his wife: - "Did you know that women use 30,000 words a day and men only 15,000"?
The woman replied: "It 's easy to explain, since you always have to repeat twice the same thing to men'.
The man turns to her and says, 'What!'

A man tells his wife: - How is it that you are so beautiful and so
stupid at the same time? The woman answered: God made me beautiful to attract, and I was so stupid to keep.

Following a dispute, a pair no longer speak. Nobody wants to break the silence. Suddenly you remember that her husband has to get up at 5 am to catch the plane in view of the very important business appointment. He takes a piece of paper and writes: - "Wake me at 5 am, I take the plane" and puts it in plain sight. The next morning, he wakes up at 9. Furious, he gets up and sees a paper on the bedside table where it reads: "I get up the 5".

'It is true, Mom, that in certain parts of Africa women do not know her husband until the wedding day? ". "This happens all over the world, dear."

The right woman for a man? A cross between Mother Teresa and Sharon Stone ... practically a saint who brought the habit, but without underwear underneath!

Why do women always choose men messy, unfaithful, insensitive, curmudgeons, cold, and sports fans on TV? Single?!? Why, there are the others?

Men are like the toilets: When the circles do not find one. When you find one is busy. When you find a free ... is in a pitiful condition!
----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------

Four friends meet after many years.
begin to talk about this and that and, while one goes to order a drink, the others begin to speak of their children. The first of three says: "I am very proud of my son. He started working as an errand boy, he enrolled at night and graduated. A few years later became director and is now the president of the company. It 'has become so rich to give to his friend with a birthday a super-luxury Mercedes. "
In the second says: "I'm very proud of my son. He started working as a steward on board an aircraft. In the meantime, became a pilot. It is associated with others and founded an airline. Today is so rich that he has a friend for the birthday gift of a twin-engine Cessna airplane. "
The third then says:" I can not tell you the pride I get from mine. He studied engineering. He opened a construction company and has made billions. He, on the birthday of a friend, gave him a villa on 1500 sqm.
Meanwhile, the quarter back and asked what they were talking about, then ask him the three friends of his son. "My son is a gay gigolo . She earns a living that way. "
and friends:" Poor boy, what a misfortune! "" But what a calamity! He's a fairy tale! Think this year for his birthday three gay customers they've got a Mercedes, a private jet and a villa of 1500 square meters! ... And your children instead .. What are they doing?

Monday, November 23, 2009

G.mail Letter Printing

Project Devil

This text is not born this way, the intention was different but then the trail as often as you can see the art on the road. As the article "Spirituality, Faith and Reality" we talked about concepts "spiritual", "idealistic", which then bring forth concrete proposals and practical solutions to improve and regulate the life of men, I wanted to try this just to see some of these ideas in their application (patience, it will be for another time). Anyone who knows me knows that I love very much theater, and writing for it. Here, the text will read soon could be a good start to the script stage. I started, first, from a consideration: what should be the focus of a good society? The Man. The man and his relationship with other men, with the Earth, with daily life. Before anything else a good society should think to himself (we could say to herself, because a company is made up of men no ?)... On his physical, mental, and spiritual. Then I wondered: What is it, however, now at the center of our company? Money. Only the money. Paradoxically, the money would help to men, right no? So I could answer which, however, there is always the middle man. And do not, because the money "does not serve" the Man. In this society "serve", and how ... But in their essence, outside any social context, the Man do not provide any money for being ... Neither physical nor mental or spiritual. Paradoxically, the human race is a servant of the Lord completely foreign to his nature. The money used to one thing: to win power. The man, in history, has often heard a purely bestial instincts: the instinct of command. This instinct is present in Nature, where there is always the law of the jungle ... But man, who has a soul full, we would expect something more than a lion or a cat. But no, the man sometimes does things that the animals would never do. Animals following the instinct (the factor most highly developed in them), then have a mind limited to baseline levels and a hint of Soul. Men, too, often hear the instinct like animals, but unlike the latter has a highly developed mind. The combination of instinct and mind, man can create extremely positive solutions (inventions, for example) but also other extremely negative, which in their practical application even become fearful. Are well known and well-known horrific actions that Man has accomplished in history to the thirst for power, and many more are now under our eyes (see mafia, wars, et cetera). About money and greed of Man which has the power not only built an entire society, but also a "false" concept of Being and Life. I wondered at this point: there have been a jerk who first came up with the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a capitalist society / consumer? I'd really like to see this idiot in the face, to sing four. Because I know that, unfortunately, will never happen then I imagined while his wife exposes his crazy plans for a capitalist world (which, alas, it was really made). Not knowing his name, I gave him a I: Given the "diabolical" in his Plan will be called Dr. Devil. Gentlemen: here is "THE CRAZY PROJECT DOCTOR DEVIL ... Good reading, Soul Blue

Dr Devil: - Wife fucking! (Be careful not to be confused with the noble phrase often used by men to invite your lady to take care of his editor's note) I found a nice way to "clean" and "ethically correct" to listen to my thirst for power, without which no one I break my balls with the usual moral law. We will create a whole society based on money, and also the whole idea of \u200b\u200bbeing based on money. We'll believe those idiots of world citizens that their happiness goes only and only through money. We'll believe that with money can have it all, no matter what. Every now and many will you give to someone, to reinforce the idea of \u200b\u200bmoney in all the others. I already have a name, indeed many names: Lotto, SuperEnalotto, GrattaeVinci. Most men will have to work, and so ... Will convince you that more and more work will have money, more money and more will be happy .-

Wife - Oh my beloved husband ... It 's a beautiful project, but I say beautiful ... It 's wonderful, fabulous, mirabiliante. You always have fantastic ideas. But I worry a treasure ... Are you sure that man will hear, and believe in your project? -

Dr Devil: - We listen wife, listen to us. Fear not. You know what's in the majority of mankind? -

Wife - ... Um, the brain? -

Dr Devil: - useless, brain, his wife. If there would be the ruin of our beautiful project. No, no ... No brains, please. There are, however, two little things so cute and adorable: stupidity and gullible .-

Wife - E. .. E. .. And how are you going to do this project, my beloved husband? -

Dr Devil: - Well, first of all put a bit of already rich men as examples to follow (and be the very men to control others, and to check that our great project always go the right way). Then season with two great inventions: one is called TV and other advertising .-

Wife - Wow, Television and Advertising ... Fascinate me, hubby, I have just fascinated by the names. Oh all right ...-

Dr Devil: - Eheheh, you see, are already operating. Well, well, very well. Inventions will be extraordinary, because even go hand in hand, harmonized like a symphony orchestra. The TV show continuously prosperous men and everything they own, and continuously and uninterruptedly Advertising bomb our fish and kind of nice to have more and more calls of the first things that they already possess. The products will sell advertising for all kinds of people. For example, your class (of housewife and a little pain in the ass) crop products to clean the house, annoying itch creams and lotions do not grow old underwear, sanitary napkins with wings and yogurt with bifidus for better shit ...-

Wife - Uh, wow amazing. I can not wait to buy all these wonderful and useful things ... Indeed, I am so excited! -

Dr Devil: - You know, wife, I'm happy because in a European country (a country stupidly high culture, with great traditions, home to artists, writers, poets, philosophers Bleah ... ... A very difficult terrain, in short) we have our man of faith, firmly convinced of the beauty of our plan. His name is Silvio Berlusconi, the richest man in Italy ...-

Wife - Oh, this country is called Italy culturally stupidly high? Never heard of him -

Dr Devil: - The wife, this is the name of that stupid country. Well, I was telling you about Italy? Ah here is, of Silvio Berlusconi, the richest man in Italy indeed. Do you think this guy has invented what it takes to our Project: the television commercial. Are you sure, darling, soon he will rule the man Italy. I assure you, upon my word .-

Wife - Uh, I hope my hubby, we hope so. We hope that this ignorantizzi Berlusconi that Italy is a bit there, because to me they give me culturally countries high on their nerves! -

Dr Devil: - Another important ingredient because our cake will be the functions of sex. A show that you women to become powerful you must begin to give way to rich men ...-

Wife - I mean like I did with you ...-

Dr Devil: - ... Um ... Well, okay, yes ... More or less ... Show that men get rich you are surrounded by pussy. So those will work more and more, running around like idiots ... In the meantime we are getting richer ... While they will not become a dick. Among other things, you know, wife, that Silvio Berlusconi is always surrounded by chicks, and has already promised to some of those reserves gliel'hanno date somewhere in power? Small eh, just to feed the idea in people and grow the project. Small for important places, the command should only ever be in the hands of us humans. To you women anything, you are only good in bed and have children (no offense eh), preferably male, so the race continues over time. Fact that Silvio has already promised that govern when Italy will lead the TV commercial from his son: Piersilvio. Big man, lit. He also stuck his name to that of small, so the race is marked. Now, wife, you like my project? -

Wife - Oh yeah, I like my hubby. You bet ... Especially your idea of \u200b\u200bwomen's role in this social project you have in mind. I find it gives great prestige to the female gender ... But dear, I only worry anxiety: you're sure it will work? -

Dr Devil: - Will it work, I told you it will work. Eh nag but you are though. Do not worry. One reason for this new company will involve every aspect, every single minute of people's lives. Nothing will be left empty, not to give time to reflect. Ruberemo Time Man. Time and man's work will be what will make us stronger and stronger .-

Wife - How are you going, my hubby, to ensure that men do not have time to reflect? -

Dr Devil : - Eh, it will be a complex ... On several fronts. First of all, divided into so many single family units .-

Wife - The family?? Because your family? -

Dr Devil: - Oh yes, his wife, first of all the family ... Because the family is very dangerous ... See, after a family is a small community ...-

Wife - Yuck, what an ugly thing Communities ...-

Dr Devil: - There is, in fact. Very ugly. And fortunately we were able to destroy those of '68 throw in some drugs. Do you know why communities are dangerous, woman? -

Wife - Why Community is derived from Communism? -

Dr Devil: - Erm no ... The Communities are dangerous because they cultivate in them ...-

Wife - ... Marijuana? -

Dr Devil: - Eh, no wife, maybe ... That is fine if you cultivate it, very well indeed! First because it is a little stoned, and think less. Second we can send the police, throw them in jail and take away their children. In short, we can destroy community. No, not the dangerous thing that the maria are grown within the Community ... These are the ideals of sharing, unity, affection, Dialogue, Thought .-

Wife - Uh, that bad things my hubby! Enough, enough, I do not want to hear. Brrr, I shudder ...-

Dr Devil: - I, too, the wife, too ... People should not think ... No, no, no ... If people start to think is the end, all of our project goes to hell (and not those of Berlusconi, unfortunately!). The Communities are only good for the elderly, handicapped, and drug addicts. So those are not dangerous to anyone, not shut them finally break into more bales! -

Wife - I'm sorry, my love, just one thing not clear to me: what enters the Community with the discourse on the family? -

Dr Devil: - Eh, but you're stubborn! Like I said, fuck the family is dangerous because it is a small community. In the Community what you do? We have lunch together, and while Magna 'sti assholes speak and understand. Ditto the little family ... If Mom and Dad, son and daughter find themselves talking at lunch and started to think ... And this should not happen, no that should not! We must ensure that they are together the less possible, we will seek a way out of each mag, around for his cock. When you can not just do nothing, when at least some lunch we will gather around the table is that the mind is not for everyone but them out ... Elsewhere ... So that if a case begins to talk, to explain that I know, a problem, a concern, the other does not listen either. Distrarremo people. Here's what we'll do it. And, indeed, my wife, I'll tell you more ... Mo Mo I had a marvelous idea: a lunch put on a TV on all the families. So certainly no one will get the idea of \u200b\u200btalking about, eh what the fuck ... Already talking TV, right? -

Wife - Another one of your ideas fabulous, my husband ...-

Dr Devil: - Thank you, wife, thank you. You see, dear, we we will no longer consider the family as a single subject. No, oh no. In fact, I'll tell you more: the family no longer exist .-

Wife - How to no longer exist?? Are you crazy?? No one will do such a thing. All they care about family, the family is the pillar, is ... is ... is ... (The fuck? Boh ...)-

Dr Devil: - There will be, there will ... Phew, but I really have to explain everything to you? Pain in the ass you are ... There will, of course exist, but, say, only formally .-

Wife - Formally?? -

Dr Devil: - Only formally exact. Stupidona, I know that I must leave for some illusion to force these poor idiots ... The illusion of the nest, the fireplace, the wife. We must allow ourselves the illusion that thing ... Lousy ... Bleah, Love it! -

Wife - Well, but, my hubby ... Love is something very romantic ... is ... is ... (The fuck? Boh ...)-

Dr Devil: - Yeah, yeah, bla bla bla ... He will not even have the time for love, and love as a small fire without burning it off. Puff. Ahahahaha ... You know how it will end? Whether you stay together, but only by convention. Meanwhile fuck someone else, like my colleague or my colleague so horny. But not love, no eh ... Otherwise we would be the starting point ... No, you say, just sex. Here is ... And besides, men spend more time with colleagues than with family. They will not have time to do even more ... Bleah ... With Love. No, nothing sdolcinature. Basta. Love will replace sex, sex without feeling. Like us, you and me, we're together ... But not love us, no wife? -

Wife - Er, no ... You see, dear, I started at the beginning with you just because you were rich and powerful ... But then, in short, over the years by being with you I have discovered that a gentle soul and which you can create great ideas that I ... Here, well, ... Yes, I think I'm in love with you ...-

Dr Devil: - Ah, you love me? Oh shit, this is a problem, a big problem. Well, okay, back to our project. What was I saying? Ah, the family is here. The family said, no more. We consider each element of the "phantom family" as an entity unto itself. Why sell the same product for each one: a mobile head, a computer-to-head, machine head and so on. Sell \u200b\u200bthem at all, you ... Even the old (not just those confined in the Community, which among other things, it will yield a lot of pennies) and children ... Uh yes, children, small children, those little cute monsters. No longer play with animals or with other children, marbles, football. No, way, old-fashioned stuff. They will play "virtually" in a world of fake video game boxes. And I also have names: they are called Play Station, Game Boy ... They will also be portable, yes. So we will see seas of children who walk completely stoned playing the game. Sure, many will end up squashed under a car or attached to a pole .. Well, after all, not bad ... I just can not bear them these little monsters. And then even the children sell the phones. Persuade their parents telling them that so they can always check their offspring, and this will be the biggest dance of the century invented to sell mobile phones. Ahahahaha ...-

Wife - And what will you do with young people, my hubby? Those are tough, no? -

Dr Devil: - Oh yes, the wife, you finally said something right. Young people are a rough terrain, they are dangerous. They are more likely to start to think, to want to change things. Look what a mess you were starting to combine in the '60s. Fortunately we stopped them, fuck. Otherwise who knows where we'd be at this time. Well, it's simple: distrarremo too young, here you .-

Wife - And what will you do to distract them, my hubby? Enlighten me, please enlighten me ...-

Dr Devil: - Well, it is even more simple: call Silvio (and others) and will arrange to invent programs that take young people and make them all rich and famous without having done a shit in life. You know, wife, I have the name ... Big Brother. What do you think? Cute, huh? -

Wife - Uh, siiiiiiiii ... It 's wonderful, my husband ... Fantastic ... I am sure that will make so many issues, and will remain a historical program! -

Dr Devil: - Yes, of course, we'll make so many issues. The fury of smashing the ball to do it, and each edition will always be longer. We put in all my wife ... Will The new circus ... We will get the chick with no brain but the boobs, the buxom gym, and then human cases (those are always tenderly): rom the nerds, the earthquake, the prisoner, the blind and so on ... I imagine a scene that will have the burst auditel: the blind man touching the boobs of chick with no brain. It will be a time of great television, but cultural salons. Young people do not have other dreams if you do not try to break through somewhere. Meanwhile, we will that her bum to them, pain in the ass that are nothing. Idealists dick. Those who, instead, they will be wrong and we will begin to complain about them being good with drugs. On the other hand, are safe and not tested? In '68, have worked fine. Among other things, now they invent new ones. To use my internet (which I must say the truth is a little dangerous, too big ... the ideas of them men are allowed to move freely ... I have to say to Silvio to narrow it a bit), to drug the young. Whatever that addiction is that young people will consume as much as possible. And then parents will be hilarious to see the seas of despair and disbelief, wondering why their beautiful chickens were thrown away like this ... Hahaha, poor idiots ... Did not they have them killed themselves with their hands! Ahahahaha ... We will be the principals, and they are killers! -

Wife - It 's a fantastic project, my husband. I would say ... Treacherously thin ...-

Dr Devil: - Already ... You see, wife, put the money in the center means that whatever is a consequence of this, why not even the slightest aspect is neglected. Everything should be strengthened, nourished, inflated. Inflated because, for example, racial hatred ... Ah, you know that even on this point we are comfortable in Italy? -

Wife - Really? Fantastic ...-

Dr Devil: - Oh yeah, because Silvio made an alliance with a group of people, all dressed in green, sfegatatissima against all those who have the skin of a different color. I think one of these once said should wear the immigrants from hares, and then shot him play. Ahahahahah, it is hilarious wife? -

Wife - Ahahahahahah, ahahahahah ... Oh God, I never laughed so much in my life! Of course it must be just nice people and very good! -

Dr Devil: - Yes, really ... Silvio, in fact, has already promised that govern when all these funny guys dressed in green will be on his right! Luckily, you know why on this respect Italy is hostile land. Those were, in the past, all migrants. And then there was already beginning to say to those who remember when they were leaving and so on. Luckily were few, them shits almost anyone. It 's amazing, we are amazed at how well we can be such a thing happened .-

Wife:-Well, thank goodness ... Silvio be sure that this just an extraordinary man. Really. Do miracles even. I would propose for the Beatification ...-

Dr Devil: - For some men there are also thinking of the Vatican ... It 's amazing, also like them ... You know the ones with the story of Jesus, Christianity, love your neighbor, the last shall be first and all the bullshit like this was another hostile terrain ... And instead, you see ... Of course, not everyone likes it. You know, wife, you know that unfortunately has a bad disease Silvio ...-

Wife - Oh God, no poor, sorry ... What did? -

Dr Devil: - Well, it is a very rare, so rare that only he has it: it is persecuted by the communists. She sees them everywhere: in the judiciary, the clergy, the journalists and so on ... The problem is that he sees them only because the Communists have been extinct for tens of years. The fact is that a man so charismatic and powerful that no one has the courage to tell him the truth and to treat it ... Then his loyalists pretend to believe, indeed they too say they are persecuted by the communists! Think ...-

Wife - Oh, that touching story ... You make me want to cry, My hubby. Think, think what can make love to a man. Even pretend to have the same disease ... However I can not wait to meet him this

Silvio ...- Dr Devil: - Yes, but unfortunately he also warned that another bad disease ...-

Wife - Really? Poor man, it's true that bad luck befalls the best ever! And what is this other disease? It 'also rare? -

Dr Devil: - No, no ... This is very common ... The disease is that when a woman sees a trickle chick tries to take her to bed ...-

Wife - Okay, I'll be careful ... However, even if I grab does nothing, moreover, is a rich and powerful man! And then you said you do not love me, right? So even if I do a waltz with him will not be sorry, right? However, telling stories ... Continues to explain the project! -

Dr Devil: - Um, you and I must speak putt ... Paola, eh eh ... Paula, my wife ... We said then: to be strong and powerful we need to ensure that men with lower levels among their throats. Yeah, so that you start to think that in reality we're screwing them believe that they should ensure that both the Moroccan close to ruin his life. They should not lift his head because otherwise we would see over them, and doubt may creep in their Cervellini. No, no ... They must learn to look with suspicion crept in and what is "different" from them ... We must make him believe that the foreigner who the fuck home, work, woman. Not us that while we enjoy the (woman and we FUCK well, if it happens). We must make him believe that others are to be those dirty, sick and uncivilized. It is the uncivilized Muslim "forces" his wife to wear a veil ... Not us, but we are civil ones. Yes, because we women the "Bonds" freely to undress ... Wherever men will run will have to find a woman with her breasts or her ass off (or better yet, both) ... The "Notes" have to give it freely way to make a career, or better yet, to find work. Ahahahaha, that laugh .-

Wife - My Hubby, there is no danger that people perceive that what you have told him they were all shit? -

Dr Devil: - Yes, yes ... The risk is real. But we will distrarremo. Always and forever. Ahahaahah when you do not know what to do distract the enemy. Will spark off a war among the poor in western countries. And meanwhile, always on the wave of racial hatred, us rich and powerful will spark off wars in the Arab and African countries. With the excuse to bring that thing where people will still pretend to believe ... What's his name, his wife? La. .. La. .. Shit, I can not name because it makes me so sucks that I will not even pronounce it ...-

Wife - ... Democracy? -

Dr Devil: - Ah, yes ... Democracy! Under the guise of bringing democracy, we the rich and powerful while we fuck a good deal of their resources (such as oil, diamonds, etc.) to become even more rich and powerful .-

Wife - So, my husband, Arabs and Africans do not include them in your wonderful project? -

Dr Devil: - No, certainly not! For two reasons: first because we would be too much and secondly because Arabs and Africans are the perfect subject on which to unleash the anger, hatred, and frustration of the West .-

Wife - Why are they just the perfect subject? -

Dr Devil: - Eh, but you're stoned ... I have to explain it all ... But it is clear, no? Why are a bit backward culturally, they have completely different customs and traditions ... In short, the classic on which nerds get a laugh first and then fill the barrel .-

Wife - But then ... So ... We will do out there? -

Dr Devil: - Sure, ... ahahahahah Of course, we will do out of some people ... A lot of people. Well, sorry, because ... Who do you think has put around AIDS in Africa? -

Wife - ... Vo ... Vo ... You?? -

Dr Devil: - We ... We ... Also we ... Only us. You'll see in a few years how many deaths will. Besides the medicines to cure the diseases do not give them to him in those little black mica, oh no. Otherwise we would point at the head ... I already talked to some friends of mine of the pharmaceutical, we agree ... Both failed to win anything. Finally, all the waste and the various crap that will produce them to him we're going to throw at them. Arabs instead take it to the waste of our nuclear power plants. Just think, his wife, who had a brilliant idea my dear friend scientist has found a way to put the waste in the bullets, will be called depleted uranium (DU is only the name, eh, right so that someone might pull out of the usual moral law fucking ... Even though I predict that they will all be so stoned that no one will remember if I miss more 'is the law of my boots). In short, my wife, all this and more will be the bedrock of my wonderful project. The basis of all the money and the will power, the rest as a side dish. Ah you know, wife, I've already found a name for this great project? It will be called CAPITALISM ...-

Wife - Capitalism? Wow, though, fascinating ...-

Hacking A Cybergun Desert Eagle

The hypocrisy of the League and many other (fake) Christians

The league, you know, it's always been against the odious nepotism of "thieving Rome" and absolutely foreign to the typical patronage of dear old DC (and let's say each political party exists).
The Northern League party, this is also known, has always been consistency of its greatest virtue and, in fact, Calderoli has crashed several times to make peace with the Church reaffirming its Christian roots (the fact that he was married paganissimo with a "Celtic Rite" is a minor detail). Umberto Bossi, has always been a staunch anti-southern Italy, he married a Sicilian, and instead, the same Senatùr, promoter of cultural inferiority southerners, saw his son Renzo (pictured above) failed the examination three times of maturity. The monument to the consistency of the sermon, though, the good Leaguers have erected a few days ago by appointing the very small and newly-graduated Renzo Bossi member of an "observatory" Expo in Milan (consider that the most malicious created specifically to earn some mites to "Bossini").
Not only the Senatùr has thought of everything, and to accommodate the most of your ram (chicken), made sure that another sample of the League's excellent sermons and bad scratching, Francesco Speroni, named by his lackeys in Europe guess who ... It's simple: Renzo Bossi. The salary that has already graduated from this "Team Manager" of the Valley National will "only" 12,000 euro. But not scandalizzatevi, Gentlemen: if you do not prendetevala, poor plurilaureati 30's, you have to live with € 1000 per month and this "trout" (as he affectionately calls his father) will earn 12 times more. And who comes to blatant case of nepotism and intolerable, not know the curriculum of the bright-trained Renzo Bossi. The riassiumiamo below to pace the readers.
-mouth three times the state exam
-Team manager of Valley National
-inventor and promoter of "Bounce the clandestine"
Well: 12,000 € net per month deserved.
interesting these lines, right? Finally laid bare the hypocrisy of the lords of the estimated Lega Nord! I (but not only) I have found another great big, of hypocrisy. As the text above the hard-core Leaguers were self-proclaimed "Defender of the Christian roots", and then of course authorized by their "role" has been thrown (along with everyone else) against the ruling of the European Court, inviting the 'Italy to remove the crucifix in public places. Well, first of all on this issue I wanted to offer a reflection of Don Luigi Ciotti:
crucifixes to defend, the real ones, not those on the walls of schools. There are others. They are men and women who are struggling. That does not make it and die of starvation. E 'to them that we can not and must not remain indifferent. E 'to them that we must focus our efforts. A crucifix is \u200b\u200ban AIDS patient who needs care and support. A crucifix is \u200b\u200bthat Brazilian boy who died a few days ago in Turin. At home he had left his wife and children, had arrived here looking for a job, and did not have it done. We attended his funeral. There were so many people, many even knew him, but were there anyway, to share their suffering and pain. It 'just struggle to defend the symbols of what we believe, but at the same time must be very careful not to give in to pure idealism. He says the Gospel itself: the pieces of God are scattered throughout the world that surrounds us. We find them everywhere. In Specifically, in everyday life, among people who live next to us, and which often does not even realize the existence. E 'with these realities that we must learn to deal and to measure ourselves. We must learn to live with responsibility, as so many volunteers who devote their time to a well that is not only them but the public, everyone. We must all feel called to task, in large urban centers such as in the many small provincial towns. Participation is the first step in helping the most vulnerable. The crucified not only defend themselves with words. In fact, they too often are not enough. We must learn to deal with concrete reality, and reach out to people Sun, who no longer has a family and those who can not seek the help of loved ones.
Personally, and I know to be unpopular, I welcome the European decision. We are now, willy-nilly, in a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional ... Expose only the crucifix is \u200b\u200bdisrespectful of the variety of people who now make up our community. It would be fairer, if anything, to expose (in a school should be, first of all, to forge shared values \u200b\u200bfor the public good) images of people of different faiths who have changed our world for the better in the sign of unity among all people (in my mind, I know, the various Gandhi ... Mother Teresa ... Martin Luther King, etc.). I think no one would complain of this, in fact. M'innervosisce long, however, the hypocrisy of this whole mass of Italians so that, suddenly, he rediscovered the Christian and "so fond" of the crucifix. Strongly defending a someone who at times do not even know who he is, and whose teachings betray every day in every way imaginable. Eh, but no ... We must not give barbaric horde of Muslims who want to come to cut our church (which, among other things, they have never even asked to remove the symbol of Christianity) Jesus and rather stands as a symbol of culture (that even the Theologians and Researchers say that is a mistake to give a meaning to the crucifix that is not the religious one). In the midst of all this back to a sword Leaguers who defend the gospel without knowing, however, what is written in it:
2531 Mt
When the Son of Man comes in his glory with all his angels, he will sit on the throne of his glory. 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33 and shall set the sheep on his right and goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 naked and you clothed me, ill and you visited me in prison and you came to me. 37 Then the righteous will answer, 'Lord, when did we saw you hungry and we fed you, or thirsty and gave thee drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and we came to visit you? 40 In response, the King will In truth I tell you every time you did it to one of these my brethren, you did it to me. 41 Then he will say to those on his left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink: 43 I was a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, sick and in prison and you visited me. 44 Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister unto thee? 45 Then he will answer: In truth I tell you every time you did it to one of these my brethren, ye did it to me. 46 And they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life. "
say is that maybe these teachings of Jesus are not very consistent with those contained in the Act which provides for the crime of illegal immigration ... Or not? The Leaguers, who saw their "role" should apply the Gospel to the letter, it seems to me more than to feed or drink or dress the younger brother instead declare him a criminal, a criminal just because he had the misfortune to born unlucky. And then just for pleasure with the hypocrisy, we have the balls full. If the Italians love Jesus so much that endeavor to build a diverse, since they do not believe in the crucified would very much like this that put Italy in the last cross. Blue Soul

Friday, September 11, 2009

Can I Transmit Genital Warts To My Mouth?

No information on a leash

E 'the event to be held Saturday, September 19th in Piazza del Popolo in Rome FNSI convened by the National Federation of the Italian press beginning at 16:00. On this occasion you have created a blog with documents, interviews, statements: All the anticipation of what you are going to complain loudly 19. To be in danger is precisely the freedom of information, the weird art. 21 of the Constitution and the inalienable right of every citizen to be informed. The complaints of the premier in La Repubblica and L'Unità, the delays in the contracts of employees Santoro (including that of labor) for the transmission Annozero (whose beginning is not yet advertised by Rai), the possible replacement of Paolo Ruffini, the problems with the Dandini, Fazio and Litizzetto, Report to the lack of protection are all signs that should make us reflect on whether Italy still deserves be called democracy. I sincerely hope that the event will serve at least to turn the spotlight on the issue because the projected dark times have already arrived.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Does Tivo Help Ratings

Gegen Scientology

Holiday In Berlin I saw a scene I was particularly impressed. Just below the hotel at Alexanderplatz, a dozen people organized with banquet and red shirt and curious passersby stopped to illustrate ideas and beliefs relgione of Scientology. So far, nothing unusual: a common practice in many Italian cities also. The curious thing was the other organized group that was around just in front of Hubbard's followers. Another dozen people, with their faces covered by a mask, the same stopping passers-by to explain to them the unfounded theories of Scientology and sported signs reading "gegen Scientology!" (Against scientology). There were no clashes, even verbal, a good lesson in freedom of expression.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vocal Eraser Plug In For Sound Forge 9

prying eyes

Last Monday in Corriere della Sera, I read an interesting article. Remove from the Amazon Kindle electronic reading devices on the network to download books, electronic versions of "1984" and "Animal Farm", legally purchased the world's largest online library. Unsuspecting readers have seen their credit card for the amount spent. The motivation is certainly not to be found in an attempt to manipulate public opinion. In fact this has been driven by a copyright problem: Amazon was selling electronic books for Orwell without having acquired the rights. If Amazon had apologized to customers of stolen goods, perhaps readers would not be so indignant. What makes you smile is the coincidence between the incident and the subject of dispute. The great Orwellian brother will maybe Amazon?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jewellry Making Course Ottawa

Readings News digital

With the advent of digital tools is now configuring the new business that leisure. There was talk of video curriculum and online newspapers. An alternative to the Video CV, you can create a pdf file that contains external links and why not also short videos to be included in support of photographs and text. If e-books have not yet broken through as they should, is certainly an innovation within everyone's reach. Anyone can create his own e-book and make it accessible to everyone. This is what I did: I translated into digital travel experience abroad.
Proposal: all could create a pdf file with their own experience of travel, life, etc.. pdf file and create a cumulative ... what do you think?

my e-book:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Install Travertine Tiles


Friday night in Piazza Prampolini in Reggio Emilia has been presented on stage is intended to Beppe Grillo and his lists, Carlo Vulpio, candidate in the European Union for the IDV. I posted a video where Vulpio denounces the lack of information and freedom of expression in Italy. For those who do not
conscesse Vulpio is sent by the Corriere della Sera newspaper for whom he works since 1990. It deals with major news stories and investigations in Italy and abroad. The recent cases that dealt with concern the judges Luigi de Magistris and Clementina Forleo. These investigations were also the last that Vulpio could tell, since December 3, 2008, after an article full of names and surnames on the cases and Why Not Toghe Lucan, Vulpio was abruptly dismissed from the direction of the shipper.

quality unfortunately is not the best ... I took with my camera

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Long Legged Women In Panties

University compared against Silvio

the following link: accessing a service that I wrote with some colleagues in the three years. The video compares the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the University of Oslo. Watch and discuss!

Pokemon Heartgold Online Game

learned through the blogs of some colleagues I too public an extract from an editorial in the Financial Times:

"(...) the danger of Berlusconi is of a different To That order of Mussolini. It Is that mean of sapping the serious content of politics, and Replacing it with entertainment. It is of a ruthless demonisation of enemies and refusal to grant an independent basis to competing powers. It is to place a fortune at the service of the creation of a massive image, composed of assertions of endless success and popular support.
That he is so dominant is partly the fault of a faltering left; of weak and sometimes politicised institutions; of journalism which has too often accepted a subaltern status. Most of all it is the fault of a very wealthy, very powerful and increasingly ruthless man. No fascist, but a danger, in the first place to Italy, and a malign example to all."

Pensate che in Italia sia possibile vedere un articolo del genere pubblicato su un quotidiano nazionale?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Organizational Chart For Front Office Dept.

All the Web serving power pills in

Why a corporate site should work? Why is everything in favor of power. To explain this statement I try to give an example.

May 9 on the government website is published the news of the press conference on Berlusconi Frattini and Foreign Policy. My eye falls on a statement issued by the Premier: "We decided to move the G8 in L'Aquila, and for solidarity with the affected population, but also for a matter of simplicity for the time of international crisis. "

would think: at last a government that does not waste public money and saves us!

If it were not on the same day that the Republic published the following article:

"And the bill rises to Mary Magdalene: 8000000 for telecommunications and fiber optics"
THE MAGDALENE like Tokyo or Seoul, the paradise of ultra-fast connections to the Web's all thanks to the G8 meeting in July that brought in ' Sardinian island with 13 miles of fiber optics. Then the earthquake and the prime minister changed his mind by offering the 'Abruzzo as the new home. The proceedings of the Telecom, however, had already started and się not been a simple adaptation of existing infrastructure. The project, with an investment of the government amounted to approximately eight million Euros, provided in fact the expansion of network access for a total of about one thousand and 200 copper pairs, the laying of 19 km of fiber, six radio links, 19 new points of entry to the mobile network. But most direct connection to the dorsal-Roma Sassari, who is now on the digital highway 'island a window from over 10 gigabits per second (a gigabit is equal to one thousand megabits). What does it mean? It is as if, on the high-speed railway line between Rome and Milan, as they built a station Termini Camucia, a village of 5,600 souls at the foot of Cortona. Only because in the Tuscan town of Lightning was scheduled to meet heads of government. Maybe that's why the big events like the Olympics, are held in major cities. Thus, facilities and infrastructure can continue to be used again later. It is not the case of Mary Magdalene. Telecom has already spent three million and 289 thousand euro under the five and will have to shell out almost two more to adapt the structures of 'Aquila. So the bill submitted to the Government, however, should be around about eight million euro. In short, the end of the games will not save a single penny from Sardinia by the displacement of the G8 to 'Aquila. But look more sober than yes. Because the documents come into our possession, we discovered that one of the follies of the G8 in the north of Sardinia, for example, was the web link from 'island of Santo Stefano to the company's cruise ship MSC Fantasia, which was to accommodate the four thousand delegati.E could be left without a window on the World Wide Web worthy of Silicon Valley? To this was planned the construction of a submarine capable of carrying hundreds of the vessel access to the Internet at 34 megabits per second that you had to always enter the dorsal-Roma Sassari. A dream that 48 percent of Italians who regularly surf the Web with such difficulty. 'S access to the network of Italian navigator medium passes it to the stations of the area, which often are overcrowded or undersized: before reaching the fiber optic backbone speed of navigation can be narrowed heavy compared to the theoretical one. Result: 6, 12 or 20 seconds magabit paid handsomely to become in fact many, many less. In the case of Mary Magdalene, however, the telecom is only the client. A commissioned work, and ran it when she got confirmation that the G8 would be made in the Abruzzo 'company had to make a choice: abandon all so com' was, wasting the miles of cables that had been sunk or complete part infrastructure to use them in an 'other occasion. They opted for the latter, and rightly so. Maybe another great event, something that draws thousands of journalists and television in the next 50 years someone will hold well to the Magdalene. Or maybe you'll an 'other cruise ship in need of ultra-fast connections, or a real estate developer in addition to the usual villa with swimming pool also offers buyers the ability to download HD movies in a matter of minutes. How to Tokyo and Seoul, of course, but in sunny Sardinia. - JAIME D 'ALESSANDRO

Inquire tired, but content can be very dangerous!

Crisco Shortening And Skin

Lessons - Two Lessons in

online journalists
unique users per month is given to see what are the most widely read newspapers. Other relevant considerations are the page views, then the length of stay. Usually the name of the head remains in the url, but with some simplification (eg, the Republic became the Republic). The free newspaper has not been named because the domain was already registered. Then it is called The web editor does not follow the rules of the newspaper printed. The procedure is much faster. Peak times in the hour of break working day, or in the morning or evening. Collapse access on weekends.

In Italy you do not write for the web. There is a demand for online journalism. You write a summary and copy and paste the article in the paper. You put the news agency, there is an autonomous text for the web. This also because there are few journalists who work there. Of about 100 journalists for the preparation of the paper are those of online 8. And this is why the articles are short. The eye no longer exists, is a legacy. Begins to disappear even in the paper. We read the first picture, not the eye, the title or the bolt. When the information online will pay will be better care of the articles and sites, with an editorial team composed of several journalists, editors, competent, experienced and so on. In Italy one of the few newspaper Web sites with dedicated facilities Il Sole 24 Ore is. It has sections which you can subscribe and get your advisor: The result is a one2one relation with answers to the questions of users. The site of the sun is very Anglo-Saxon, have a particular structure.

Italianews is a consortium of newspapers in which there is a subsite of news that is federal in the sense that it is created and activated and updated by several local newspapers. Who puts in the news. I can in this way to build a national newspaper. Is accomplished by a computer reads the news most read and share as the most important news, the news so they are classified and published. The information is placed in a box, there is a principal purpose is the computer to decide which news to be published without any mediation. Very interesting mechanism. Relevance and impact are part of the criteria by which they index the text. goes to search for news on the network (not in magazines) but it is hard to read, the aesthetic is not cured and it does not pay. Although it is a tool that can save users' time.
Audiweb: number of users who navigate on the different websites, of course, the sites participating in the monitoring of Audiweb. site with more pop-up ads. The news on the home page does not have text (max 4 lines). It is a aggregate news agency, aggregate photos, editorial comments by the user with the ability to comment.)
There are systems related to advertising content aggregators article. If the republic had this software and there was a news story about health, advertising would be related to information. There are ways of cross marketing that bind, for example, advertising on the power when it comes to good food and look after that we speak well, but otherwise is all wasted effort. (Are the Access to google).

first rule is not an adjective you do not give negative meanings to what you do. The corporate websites of public institutions at the highest levels of governments, have great follow-up by users. The scope of users of the portal of the government was of one million and 400 thousand page views. W3G is a protocol, rules to follow to build a website. the site of the Italian government does not allow the user to write to the government and request information. Typical of Italian sites where the user having to search for information. The government portal English has a strong institutional sense. Cover topics of great economic and social participation. Given the assumptions that we have to a country like Spain would expect a different construction from that which is presented to us, in fact the site is very serious. very interesting website of the British Government. There is a section for children created in a very special and interesting. Built in optical very friendly, kind blog. Ability to share all files in a modern way.

The site of the U.S. government is absolutely perfect. But it is illogical for us to study because there is a gap too large at the level of culture of the web. The site

government reflects the government. Zapatero very serious, very serious site. The English site wants to reflect a nation that wants to remove the dust off, to show its modernity. The site of the Elysée ( ) is very "Sarkozi" very colorful and different from traditional sites in France.

The value that is given to direct communication with citizens has dramatically increased because the fact that you can skip the mediating role of news in the media is crucial in terms of control of social consensus. If I make good these streams, making them understandable, limited the user needs to go to seek information from other parties.
institutional sites language is very well maintained, there is a qualitative research texts. We tend to act as direct contact with the public administration.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Is So Bad About An Enlarged Heart?

dose pills

I thought I'd post some notes taken during class on Friday, April 24. Certainly not be exhaustive, but can certainly give you an idea about the topics covered ...

PRESS AGENCY: news agency is the direct source of the newspaper: news lean, fast and easy when you write articles and make the services. Speed, speed, reliability, summary ideal for Internet even if you do not take advantage of the interactivity of the network. As the papers all the agencies now have their own website. Everybody left column with "against" menu a submenu with regional news and features. Subscribing to a news agency is expensive.
short list of News Agencies: ANSA (ANSA website, which is the major Italian news agency, is poorly structured, too much news on the home page just in order to emphasize the amount of information they make. But this produces only confusion in itself), AGI (more news of the loop, but more orderly. They do not take agency, strong investment in the media. Think before you to the web to the service for subscribers), APCOM (very similar to the foreign news agencies, slow but nice. He then looks like a lot of text online journal), AGI, ASCA, SAY (a few people work there, it makes services mainly regional but also national, not a journalism site, it took too differentiate and become inconsistent. Ascendancy policy center), Velino (not just an agency in the strict sense but is more oriented toward politics, political ascendancy center-right), ITALPRESS, then Italian versions of Bloomberg, DowJones, (Telpress housing agency press), SIR (Vatican news agency).
The number of takes (information to come from the agency), which produces a news agency is enormous. For example, at 17 on Friday (the day when there is not much news) news agencies offer more than 100 pages with 50 Takes in each, you get to 1200 1300 to ANSA news only).

INSTITUTIONAL SITES (market based) all that is part of the business has a common logic. is a company analysis and studies of the Financial Times. Almost all newspapers and Anglo American have a great business activity related to the analysis (we have only 24 hours). In Bowen makes a particular ranking of the best sites:
from that classifies the best Italian website are in ENI. Unlike sites abroad, in Italy we are still reluctant to provide all necessary information to the user: an example for all are the pictures of employees with phone numbers and addresses. In the Italian sites often you should seek the information that is often absent. By convention in all the official sites, the reference to the Home page consists of the Brandlogo. Important is the accessibility of the site that the sites must also have a accessible version for the disabled.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

How To Make Someone Fall Asleep; Pressure Points

Information? is online.

How can I get real information, objective, rigorous and confirmed by credible sources? I can not answer this question and I think the answer really is not there. But to get as close as possible to what happens around us and the world is essential to most people participate actively in search of news and information. Accept what is conveyed by a single media channel implies a worldview and easily distorted way. Must participate and contribute to the communication process for this to be a success. Today, thanks to the network, you can compare the information conveyed by the media for almost the entire planet. We are still dependent on media and their products, and this is inevitable, but the only way you can have a vision that is as close as possible to reality. This is certainly an expensive and often complicated, certainly not everyone is willing to take, but who said that living in a free and democratic society is simple and obvious?