Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pokemon Heartgold Online Game

learned through the blogs of some colleagues I too public an extract from an editorial in the Financial Times:

"(...) the danger of Berlusconi is of a different To That order of Mussolini. It Is that mean of sapping the serious content of politics, and Replacing it with entertainment. It is of a ruthless demonisation of enemies and refusal to grant an independent basis to competing powers. It is to place a fortune at the service of the creation of a massive image, composed of assertions of endless success and popular support.
That he is so dominant is partly the fault of a faltering left; of weak and sometimes politicised institutions; of journalism which has too often accepted a subaltern status. Most of all it is the fault of a very wealthy, very powerful and increasingly ruthless man. No fascist, but a danger, in the first place to Italy, and a malign example to all."

Pensate che in Italia sia possibile vedere un articolo del genere pubblicato su un quotidiano nazionale?


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