Sunday, May 10, 2009

Crisco Shortening And Skin

Lessons - Two Lessons in

online journalists
unique users per month is given to see what are the most widely read newspapers. Other relevant considerations are the page views, then the length of stay. Usually the name of the head remains in the url, but with some simplification (eg, the Republic became the Republic). The free newspaper has not been named because the domain was already registered. Then it is called The web editor does not follow the rules of the newspaper printed. The procedure is much faster. Peak times in the hour of break working day, or in the morning or evening. Collapse access on weekends.

In Italy you do not write for the web. There is a demand for online journalism. You write a summary and copy and paste the article in the paper. You put the news agency, there is an autonomous text for the web. This also because there are few journalists who work there. Of about 100 journalists for the preparation of the paper are those of online 8. And this is why the articles are short. The eye no longer exists, is a legacy. Begins to disappear even in the paper. We read the first picture, not the eye, the title or the bolt. When the information online will pay will be better care of the articles and sites, with an editorial team composed of several journalists, editors, competent, experienced and so on. In Italy one of the few newspaper Web sites with dedicated facilities Il Sole 24 Ore is. It has sections which you can subscribe and get your advisor: The result is a one2one relation with answers to the questions of users. The site of the sun is very Anglo-Saxon, have a particular structure.

Italianews is a consortium of newspapers in which there is a subsite of news that is federal in the sense that it is created and activated and updated by several local newspapers. Who puts in the news. I can in this way to build a national newspaper. Is accomplished by a computer reads the news most read and share as the most important news, the news so they are classified and published. The information is placed in a box, there is a principal purpose is the computer to decide which news to be published without any mediation. Very interesting mechanism. Relevance and impact are part of the criteria by which they index the text. goes to search for news on the network (not in magazines) but it is hard to read, the aesthetic is not cured and it does not pay. Although it is a tool that can save users' time.
Audiweb: number of users who navigate on the different websites, of course, the sites participating in the monitoring of Audiweb. site with more pop-up ads. The news on the home page does not have text (max 4 lines). It is a aggregate news agency, aggregate photos, editorial comments by the user with the ability to comment.)
There are systems related to advertising content aggregators article. If the republic had this software and there was a news story about health, advertising would be related to information. There are ways of cross marketing that bind, for example, advertising on the power when it comes to good food and look after that we speak well, but otherwise is all wasted effort. (Are the Access to google).

first rule is not an adjective you do not give negative meanings to what you do. The corporate websites of public institutions at the highest levels of governments, have great follow-up by users. The scope of users of the portal of the government was of one million and 400 thousand page views. W3G is a protocol, rules to follow to build a website. the site of the Italian government does not allow the user to write to the government and request information. Typical of Italian sites where the user having to search for information. The government portal English has a strong institutional sense. Cover topics of great economic and social participation. Given the assumptions that we have to a country like Spain would expect a different construction from that which is presented to us, in fact the site is very serious. very interesting website of the British Government. There is a section for children created in a very special and interesting. Built in optical very friendly, kind blog. Ability to share all files in a modern way.

The site of the U.S. government is absolutely perfect. But it is illogical for us to study because there is a gap too large at the level of culture of the web. The site

government reflects the government. Zapatero very serious, very serious site. The English site wants to reflect a nation that wants to remove the dust off, to show its modernity. The site of the Elysée ( ) is very "Sarkozi" very colorful and different from traditional sites in France.

The value that is given to direct communication with citizens has dramatically increased because the fact that you can skip the mediating role of news in the media is crucial in terms of control of social consensus. If I make good these streams, making them understandable, limited the user needs to go to seek information from other parties.
institutional sites language is very well maintained, there is a qualitative research texts. We tend to act as direct contact with the public administration.


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