Husband and wife take a walk in the countryside. Having had a very strong debate, do not talk. Till, past a farm, where you see the donkeys and pigs, the husband dares to break the silence and says, 'Go, ... are your family? The wife promptly answered: Yes, captured!
A man reads the newspaper and tells his wife: - "Did you know that women use 30,000 words a day and men only 15,000"?
The woman replied: "It 's easy to explain, since you always have to repeat twice the same thing to men'.
The man turns to her and says, 'What!'
A man tells his wife: - How is it that you are so beautiful and so
stupid at the same time? The woman answered: God made me beautiful to attract, and I was so stupid to keep.
Following a dispute, a pair no longer speak. Nobody wants to break the silence. Suddenly you remember that her husband has to get up at 5 am to catch the plane in view of the very important business appointment. He takes a piece of paper and writes: - "Wake me at 5 am, I take the plane" and puts it in plain sight. The next morning, he wakes up at 9. Furious, he gets up and sees a paper on the bedside table where it reads: "I get up the 5".
'It is true, Mom, that in certain parts of Africa women do not know her husband until the wedding day? ". "This happens all over the world, dear."
The right woman for a man? A cross between Mother Teresa and Sharon Stone ... practically a saint who brought the habit, but without underwear underneath!
Why do women always choose men messy, unfaithful, insensitive, curmudgeons, cold, and sports fans on TV? Single?!? Why, there are the others?
Men are like the toilets: When the circles do not find one. When you find one is busy. When you find a free ... is in a pitiful condition!
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Four friends meet after many years.
begin to talk about this and that and, while one goes to order a drink, the others begin to speak of their children. The first of three says: "I am very proud of my son. He started working as an errand boy, he enrolled at night and graduated. A few years later became director and is now the president of the company. It 'has become so rich to give to his friend with a birthday a super-luxury Mercedes. "
In the second says: "I'm very proud of my son. He started working as a steward on board an aircraft. In the meantime, became a pilot. It is associated with others and founded an airline. Today is so rich that he has a friend for the birthday gift of a twin-engine Cessna airplane. "
The third then says:" I can not tell you the pride I get from mine. He studied engineering. He opened a construction company and has made billions. He, on the birthday of a friend, gave him a villa on 1500 sqm.
Meanwhile, the quarter back and asked what they were talking about, then ask him the three friends of his son. "My son is a gay gigolo . She earns a living that way. "
and friends:" Poor boy, what a misfortune! "" But what a calamity! He's a fairy tale! Think this year for his birthday three gay customers they've got a Mercedes, a private jet and a villa of 1500 square meters! ... And your children instead .. What are they doing?
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