here we go again, dear friends, with the inevitable political analysis of the results of regional elections just past, the results are still hot hot. The title of this article (free, among others, the unforgettable Pierangelo Bertoli) can have a double significance and a double significance.
"Yet again the wind blows" (meaning number 1): despite all the filth, the tests of general regime, the inability to govern (and even submit lists on time) personal interests and the bale, the information put to rest (and many other things could be added to this list) ... Despite all this, the Wind of Berlusconi in Italy continues to blow and not overbearing nod to decrease. With a view, inter alia, the right major crisis for Europe, as evidenced by the recent setback suffered by Sarkozy in France and Merkel in Germany of bad polls for the forthcoming elections. And I add: maybe we had in Italy, Sarkozy or Merkel in place of Berlusconi. Maybe. Kneel (if they had the knees, of course) and would kiss the floor. Sometimes I'm ashamed to be Italian, as my fellow countrymen are idiots. I say, but how should be stoned to believe in bales of Berlusconi and his? Yet, talking with people around, there really people who believe in "fairy tales of Grandpa Silvio ... The type that judges have with him because we are communists, and other goodies like that. The Berlusconi is a phenomenon that really should be studied extensively by sociologists, we should begin seriously to wonder about what are the real roots of this "cancer" for Italy. The government combines a really big, more than obvious (that even a child would understand), and you then say: Well, now the Italians will wake up, flare up, open your eyes and say "oh, shit, but what we were idiots. " But nothing, silence, each boiata spends almost total indifference. And so the King gets up one more big, and the same silence. And so again, in a continuous escalation of rubbish made by a party and silence means consent of the other. To all this the only real answer has tried to give Elsa Morante (yes, pity that the text that follows both the 1945 and relates to Benito Mussolini): "The head of the government repeatedly spotted during his career of crime that, in the presence of an honest people, they would have deserved the condemnation, shame and deprivation of all authority of government. Because the people tolerated and even applauded these crimes? A party for moral insensitivity, some for cunning, one part self-interest and personal gain. The majority is of course made on behalf of his criminal activities, but he preferred to give his vote to the strong rather than the right. Unfortunately, the Italian people, if you must choose between duty and advantage, despite knowing what would be his duty, always choose the self-interest.
So a mediocre man, coarse, vulgar eloquence but easy to effect, is a perfect example of his contemporaries. In an honest people, would be at most the leader of a small party later, a slightly 'ridiculous for his manners, his attitudes, his delusions of grandeur, offensive to the common sense of people and because of his bombastic style and shameless. In Italy he became the head of government. And it's hard to find a more complete Italian example.
admirer of force, venal, corruptible and corrupt Catholic without believing in God, conceited, vain, fake good-natured, good father, but with many lovers, he uses those whom he despises, surrounds himself with dishonest, of liars, the inept, of profiteering, clever mime, and should take effect on an audience vulgar, but, like any mime, without its own character, you always imagine to be the person who wants to represent. "
yet the wind was still (meaning # 2): There's a breeze to the left, in spite of everything, and that is resistant to hurricanes, especially in Puglia, not only stand but also seeks to increase its strength and return to being an authoritative Wind in the Italian.
We start from a premise: this election has risen to the Right. Maybe not in numbers (7 to 6), but meaning certainly is. When even one region changes color, it is clearly a defeat. It 'was for the Left, however, a defeat in my opinion, "very interesting" decent and ideas important for reflection. It 'was a defeat would say hopeful because, as I said before, there is a wind blowing that despite all of the Left and that, if properly addressed and treated, could lead to good things. There are, of course, very sad and disturbing data: The Wind (to remain in "weather") and strong storms in the Northern League. The League may soon become, unless it is already a major problem for Italy. The League represents very well the selfishness of the North, as the selfishness of all the northern hemisphere, which is basically a North scourged by the crisis of capitalism but, instead of changing the very course, continues fearless and crazy raving on a street .. . The road selfishness and closure. When a system is in crisis should open, and instead often ends in themselves. Pity then that usually comes Entropy (for those who did not know the meaning of this technical term entropy means death). Sooner or later, I believe, purely capitalist economy will collapse Milan. Meanwhile, however, still has the strength to withstand a few years and when the league says it wants the secession of the North should begin to really take it seriously, because it is almost the first Party in the territory. Power, you know, the opportunity to realize their "dreams" ... Even if they are foolish and immoral. The Northern League will become what is the Movement Basque in Spain. From tomorrow will begin to raise his voice, first of all with Berlusconi (for those who had not yet figured out Bossi do not give a fuck worthy of Berlusconi. Once the Senatùr he said that while he will make the idea of \u200b\u200bfree Padania would be willing to take up with everyone, even with the Devil), which must increasingly meet all its demands, and then with the rest of Italy. When the League says that if you do not get the Independence of the North will be also ready to use weapons, it's no joke to take it. The Basques do not joke, they say and do. Even here, however, despite the sad and disturbing scenario is not all be thrown out. The fight to vote in Piedmont, between Mercedes Bresso, Roberto Cota (Lega ... another great hypocrite flaunting the roots Valley, with a father born in San Severo, Foggia), is a major achievement despite winning the League's candidate (there is also to be seen whether this is the case ... Why the Left has requested a recount of the votes). It should, however, take Beppe Grillo ear. I am happy that his movement has been so successful in a short time, I share both ideas that carries out this new way of "doing politics", but ultimately took away the center-left. Those 3, 4 percentage votes that took gave Piedmont the League. I, too, if I had to vote again in that Region, I would really reluctant to put the cross on a coalition for the TAV in Val di Susa and in which there was a party like the UDC. But unfortunately, life teaches us that we are neither in paradise, nor in the celestial, and unfortunately sometimes you have to choose the lesser evil. If the 5 Star Movement had supported the coalition of the Left would have maybe got fewer votes, he would (probably) did not exploit, but would ensure a strategic and important victory to stop the avalanche of green Carroccio. So it was not too bad. In his new way of "playing politics" Beppe Grillo should include the idea that it would be better to rule in Italy to have a little less than the protagonist, and a little more sense of team. The leading role is part of the old, rather stravecchio, modus operandi of politics. In Central Italy, as expected, manning the Legends of the Left ... Even here though there are obvious signs, and worrying. A league that reaches very high market shares, and will sit for the first time in some regional councils. A virus that spreads. Cancer Berlusconi, Bossi a virus. I would say that Italy needs a good hospital. In Emilia candidate "Cricket" has dug out, and in fact we have seen in the sharp decline in that region that has had the center-left. In that case, however, that's great that the movement of the comedian has been going on for more. The lands and Reggio Emilia are strongholds "red." There was no no danger, therefore, to give her the right. Piedmont But no, fuck. Stronghold that was more like a hut, his already fragile, surrounded by the armies of "green." It 'just a little puff of wind to drop it. Down by the Centre began to be noticed more errors of the Left. Meanwhile, Lazio. In the Capital Region, in my opinion, it was the wrong candidate Bonino. For two reasons: first, that the Radical Party, as the UDC is a political reality with a fundamental matrix of the Right. They are two different ways of understanding the right, one atheist and the other "Catholic" (so to speak), but still "dangerous." This is demonstrated by the fact that Emma and her, in the not too distant, were allies of Berlusconi and marry such concepts as "free market", to be left in private hands. The second reason is that, in a strategic area such as Lazio, the candidate would be better to have a "strong" the main opposition party, namely PD. The choice fell on Bonino seems to have a desire to abdicate, give up, pass the buck, certainly in a difficult battle for the Left after the story Marrazzo. Finally there is to consider the "question of the Vatican," is not a minor. Apart from the fact that I did not honestly know what I had to do with a statement of the Bishops to vote on who is against abortion (this was the regional elections, mica in a referendum ... But maybe it was just an attack more or less "veiled" to the application root), it is certainly hope that the moderate Catholics put the cross on Bonino was nothing short of utopian. In fact, confirmation of this, it is no coincidence if the turnout is in the Lazio region was stronger than elsewhere, and it was certainly not for lack of the list of the PDL (votes clearly incorporated in the list of civic Polverini). Calabria and Campania have been a tragedy. The Left in these two regions have it all wrong, before and after. Before the way he governed. Bassolino and Loiero have, objectively, governed badly. They could not create the renaissance Morals and Ethics that only the Left can bring in the Regions Southern regions with deeply rooted problems, all generated by one big problem: the Mafia mentality. They have not been able to stimulate, generate, to flourish. They have been kept "in their own juice," so to speak. They have been soaking in their own problems without trying to go to the roots. A kind of surrogate of the Right, say. They have been wrong before, and now they went wrong. Applications of De Luca, Mayor "sheriff", and Loiero, clown a little clumsy, are very self-destructive. De Luca's defeat in Campania is yet another proof, if ever proof were needed, that when the Left tries to ape the right, in a desperate search for the votes of moderates, he loses. He lost because the Moderates, however, did not vote. It also loses more votes than the Left, with a capital S, that do not fit to spit on the fundamental ideals that drive their choices. This is not only shown by De Luca disaster in Campania, but also by the disappointing results of Penati in Lombardy, another mayor "sheriff", and Bortolussi in Ontario (which, the few times I saw a door Porta, did nothing but continue to repeat that the economic crisis is not so severe). This speech is also part of the alliance with the UDC. The Democratic Party still just stupid idea of \u200b\u200bchasing Casini & Company, the results have already seen in this election. In regions in which the UDC was deployed on the Left has not added anything, but rather took off. In regions where the Right was, however, went well. Why? For several reasons: first, as I said before, a real leftists have serious problems in vote for a coalition that has this basically Democratic Party. Instead of a voter's right that, in the same situation, however, continues to vote for his party. And this is the second reason. The third but not least, is that the same voter finding his UDC party allied with the communists might prefer not to vote ... Or vote directly on PDL. It demonstrates, again, Piedmont. The votes of the Left fled in the Movement Grillo, surely also because the coalition was Bresso Shield Crusader (Mercedes also pays the choice to support the High Speed \u200b\u200bTrain in Val di Susa, and we know what has to do with the party in all this Casini ). The Left Alliance - Casini, therefore, is obviously harmful ... Is for some, for others. UDC is the best on his own. As in Puglia. And back to the South, so. E 'notice of those hours for the resignation of Minister Raffaele Lease, which would pay for having "imposed" on the nomination of his protégé Berlusconi Rocco Palese, making it impossible to concentrate all the name of Adriana Poli Bortone. If it were confirmed, well, it would be a nice slap in the face. As already wrote, the victory in Puglia was very strategic and important and not just the defeat burns. Of course, if I were one of the Right would be pissed off strong with Poli Bortone, which was only put across out of pique (he knew he would never win.) This, of course, has benefited Nichi Vendola (personally, though, I think that even if the candidate of the right was the only leader of the Left and Freedom would win anyway). Nichi is what should be in the South and the Left, is the answer to the various De Luca, Loiero, and Bassolino. It is no coincidence that he won, and the others have lost. First, he ruled well, and beyond the political positions when a can do things to fit in a given territory and citizens the reward. Sa stimulate and grow, to flourish. Sa riattirare people to vote, especially young people. He can be one of the people, among the People. Sa show his human side. Berlusconi is a bit like, just that he shows his "human" side artificial, which serves only to disguise the paucity of content it has. All form and no substance. Nichi but first of all has substance, and then also the form (which is good). It is not wrong, in my view, define the "red Berlusconi" has the same ability to drag the crowds that King Silvio, but fortunately for us with clean and good ideas. The masses know more follow the form and content. Despite all of me, for now (I say for now because usually when something is too beloved by the people then do not like me anymore ... It only exception to Vasco Rossi!), Nichi really like (as I wrote, several Sometimes on this blog). If I could give advice I would say just keep an eye on the Ego, for surely a man who is going places and the worst enemy of all great revolutionary is always himself, his soul is likely to forget that continually incensed by Dov 'is playing and what its true nature. That said, I hope and believe that Puglia could become the laboratory for a New Left, a new South, a new Italy. Virtuous in the midst of a region, for now, at the moment. In conclusion, I think the most important consideration should be given to abstention. E 'as a serious, very serious. Even more serious is that sad. Mind you, it is not just an abstention turned to politics. It 'a clear sign of a growing disenchantment, a lack of confidence, a lack of interest, with an overview. We are in a period bad, very bad indeed, where corruption reigns ... Where everything seems to stand, where our young people are so empty and alone from risking their life playing on a highway, playing to avoid the cars darting. The policy should discuss this and worry, not a candidate or the other or a percentage above or less. We are losing sight of the essence of life. The policy here, and only from here, must share, Soul of Man and Society, from the bottom ... Just because politics is (or would) that "governs the Life." We must therefore necessarily create a clean society and solidarity. Otherwise the wind, the wind of life, the most important than all the others who move here and the Human Being, could really stop blowing. Yet I say that, despite everything, the wind was still ... Blue Soul
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