Hello guys, today we talk about hair removal - Depoli!
I do not know if there is ever going to do the beautician waxing - you know why: with the waxing, the hair grows back slower and weaker - but writing him off after a few sessions with a good razor that you will in fact lose one pass all the benefits obtained with the hot wax ...
It happened to me often, for one reason or sudden (as they must wait until the hair grows back a minimum before making another wax), or lack of constancy, or the odious hairs growing under the skin ... short end every time that I can never do waxing for over 3-4 months in a row!
If the razor, as creams or mousse, but the hair grows stronger and odiossissimi, 's alternative is:
Braun Silk-Epil!
With Trnd.it , I had the opportunity to try the new Silk-Epil 7: I was really pleased with it since the first time and I could make a comparison with my old Braun (who will have at least 6 years!) .
Here are his qualities can be used under 'water :
This I think is a genius, because it allows to remove hair when the pores are much dilated by the steam or the heat of' water do not feel any pain, which with the old Silk-Epil (I speak of my own) was made: in comparison looked like a torture China.
In the more convenient use in the shower, when you're in a hurry!
E 'has a head with 40 tweezers : there are so many compared to my old one, this can halve the time of hair removal. If we put the first one hour and a half now and no one takes me 20 minutes for both legs ... I would say this is a big step to boast!
has a head with the blade Gilette Venus integrated : to shave the hair remaining during the 're going to hair removal, with prolonged use and constant, the life cycle of hair.
has a light that illuminates the area to be treated : it may seem a surplus, but I found this very useful little light, because no matter where you are, you always have a great visibility of the hairs go off and those who remained, even as short!
not have the wire : that, as the presence of small light lets you use the device anywhere without worrying about finding suitable accommodation. The battery lasts up to 4 hours.
In conclusion, I can say it is a good product: fast, painless (beyond the physiological Initial discomfort), pulls almost all the hairs, even those very short, leaving the skin smooth, removing the dead, so they do not grow hair under the odious skin.
It 's easier to clean than the old one because the head is raised.
allows you to save those 30 € for waxing every 20 days along with time and pain of the tear. Wanting
is also razor, it works fine even in delicate areas.
We highly recommend the new silk.èpil 7, is an investment that is worth addressing is completely different from the old Braun!
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