Morality, Legality and Reality
Dear friends, welcome to 2011! How it started crackling 2011, is not it? So crackling that broke out puttanaio ... Yes, the puttanaio of our beloved Prime Minister Berlusconi! All seem to have discovered the hot water but oh what a scandal, Berlusconi is a pimp! Apart from that there had already told his wife in the first place (and why we should not believe I never got it!?), Then the D'Addario went out with a lot of records, now it's finally broke the casino, and that casino! If one does not want to believe even now, well, or is it just stupid or is in bad faith!? I would be curious, really curious to go and see his face one by one all those Catholics who voted for him and ask what they think of the whole 'I'm slaughter ... All to say, the left, the left is against Christian morals (abortion, divorce, euthanasia etc) ... And Silvio, Silvio instead? Silvio imagine that their behavior is the symbol of Catholic ethics, is not it? Yes, with the orgies of Villa Certosa, the erotic toys, underage prostitutes, I think its the perfect example to sponsor the cause of the Vatican. Apart from the simple irony that you can do, I believe that in all of this there are three basic elements to distinguish (as the title of this article): Morality, Legality, and Reality. These days I often confuse these three elements in public debate, often subverting the degree of importance (and this I think it is very wrong!). Let's start with the first element, the morality. So, it is obvious that there is a big - very big problem of morality. We take the position that the way of living sexuality that Berlusconi is certainly questionable in many respects: the point is to understand what the problem with "objective" (law), and the many difficulties "subjective" (morality) that everybody of us can be confronted with this situation. Berlusconi behaviors are questionable under a profile of "religious morality," moral concerns that certain types of behavior are wrong and sinful, no matter what ... Are questionable in a profile of "moral Civil, why pay a woman for having sex is not the height of elegance ... And finally, are also questionable under a profile of "moral parity" (let's call it that): the idea that our Premier has some women can cause great indignation. Now, there are three different moral for three different problems. I'm serious? Yes, of course, it can be (and very), but subjectively. I personally believe that a President of the Council can also have fun with the bunga - bunga or what seems to him that this does not affect the constitution of a crime. I think we must be careful to focus on this aspect alone (as in the public debate is often), we risk falling into itchy and gossip losing sight of the true mark of the situation. It also threatens to create an easy excuse for those who argue that this would violate the privacy of Berlusconi, and for those who bet everything on the fact that each of us in our suite has its beautiful skeletons in the closet. Of course, a prime minister who goes to prostitutes is not a great spot for the nation (in fact we are doing abroad what they say "a colossal figure of m. .. to!?), But the point is not even this: if Mr. B. was an exemplary head of state, you might as well accept his "weakness" (let's call it that), which also is not a crime. The point "moralistic," among the three listed above, I find personally more serious is what I called "equitable" way to see Berlusconi on the world of women. Why? Because of this his way of seeing political posts that spring, though not constitute a crime, it comes very close to something that tastes vaguely of "illegal". It is' morally illegal, unacceptable to the 1000 to 1000, which we find ourselves as Minister Mara Carfagna Nicole Minetti of the country or sitting among the pews of the Lombardy Regional Council ... It is unacceptable to the fact that they go to bed or not with the Premier, is unacceptable because it is an affront to Italy by four valleys that money, without any kind of political culture and totally without any social ideal, women sit in the place of excellence for which our country is full. This really should make us ashamed! Women now take to the streets, and rightly so because they feel offended by this view, but when he was appointed as Minister Carfagna not remember the mass protests ... This unusual appointment was not already a clear sign of a background of illegal conduct? It was necessary, then as now, pretending to know what were the merits of this lady. When it comes to such important tasks, such as ministries, should be publicly justified the reasons for which it is assigned to a particular person. Up to here the moral part. Then there is the LEGALITY speech ', the crux of the matter, the real reason why we should demand the resignation of Berlusconi (one more reason ...). Sure, legally part of a discourse of morality, and it is obvious that they are closely linked. Morality is the basis of legality, but we're talking about an objective morality. In contrast to the crap that tell the Caiman and his men, the truth is that the PM has pointed ears on mobile Arcore because of criminal law there were several reasons. First they were investigating a matter of top escort suburb. When you put your hands illegally, when you discover a Pandora's box, you realize that the underworld has a thousand ramifications (see mafia) and therefore the that have come to unsavory characters running around the Premier is entirely plausible (the rest are always the same faces ... Lele Mora, for example, is no stranger to legal proceedings!). Then the judges came to suspicious phone call from Berlusconi that the night was stop 'is blessed Ruby. One thing is certain: our Premier is really very smart. A party at his house did get women of any kind, without even checking them. He had already had experience with D'Addario had recorded everything, and yet still did not worry about ... Emilio Fede paid 10 000 euro to a girl who had registered compromising material, emerges from the interception ... A little cunning, to heck! Not sufficiently aware of the shit that was putting on (or perhaps because of that!), Call the police station (twenty times and spent a few hours!) For a minor interest in Morocco to stop theft and is claiming that is the issue Mubarak's nephew (who is Egyptian ... But shame on you, learn at least the geography ... ignorant!). Not only that, even more fun is the way in which our Prime Minister is informed of the situation is informed by a Brazilian prostitute!? Apart from the distressing situation that emerged from all this, it was obvious something was not right, so it was also clear that the judges expect to understand a little more. Now, Berlusconi is just stupid if you did not realize that to make a phone call like it was as if he were saying: come to investigate, I'm here! You probably got so scared that Ruby girl certainly unreliable, was in the hands of the police (and therefore could blurt out a lot of things about him) who has lost his mind and took this act very self-lesionistico. Oh yeah, because what it does Silvietta crazy? Call the police station, and urges the agents (it is clear that he has not threatened, we missed as well! Was the Prime Minister!) Not proceed under the law (ie bringing the girl to a reception center, or keep them for night), but to entrust the minors in Nicole Minetti (which qualifications had to deal with it then she is not clear ...), which just come out of them does not care about absolutely nothing and let Ruby in the hands of a prostitute. Apart from the selfishness of Berlusconi who, in order to save his ass he continues to hurt this thrown back in that unhealthy Ruby instead of leaving it to be a community (which would certainly better), I ask : where is the rot? The brand is the idea that the State has Berlusconi and his being Prime Minister. It really disgusted his conceiving Italy as a country to its own use, not caring even in diplomatic relations that our country has with other states (because Mubarak, that he too now which has the i his troubles, he could get angry a lot for the bunkum of our Premier ... or not?). He also his conception of repulsion be prime minister: he feels a sort of mafia boss, who can make phone calls to people who do a job other than his heart to do. It disgusted her not to conceive a state of harmony that works with the autonomy and freedom of its elements, elements that should not be any interference. MAI (see Judiciary!). This scandal is really, really ashamed. This is the reason why he should resign, and the fact that any man in the face of a survey of state should take a step back (as happens in all democratic countries!). Finally Reality is, the last chapter of this story. The acts of Berlusconi (which he admitted) show, along with everything that had happened prior to this investigation, that the picture described above is the reality of things, and not my personal interpretation. There is the reality, and some tips and mystifies the reality. This time, however, is hard for the boss and his henchmen. It 's hard because what emerges from the investigations, in addition to acts performed by Berlusconi himself, drawing a picture difficult to replace. Climb on mirrors. It 's hard because this survey is different from all previous ones he had been involved. This is a survey that everyone can understand. The other offenses were a little distant, a little distant from the people. Financial crimes, corruption ... They are "crimes" that should be studied, one must understand the ramifications ... People are bored! But here we talk about sex, and when it comes to sex addrizzano all ears! Then the heart of the matter is simple, there's not much to understand. You do not have a lot of cartridges to fire the prime minister, is the just the usual cabal of communists who judges there to have with him. As I said before, if one is totally stupid or do not want to see can actually believe the fairy tale that is all a frame of red robes. The intercepts are clear, how do you think that if they are invented the PM? The weapon used is that Berlusconi and his slimy, but more than evident. I really can not understand those people who believe the bales which tells the PDL, is inconceivable. It almost seems that we are two different races, with two brains that run in a diametrically opposite. I say if we all have a brain, and is equal for all, how is it that I (and many others) we realize that it is "ridiculous" the situation and many others do not? This is not subjective political beliefs, but of objective reality (it is always important, as I said before, distinguishing subjectivity and objectivity ... in any field!). I could answer that many common people who defend a sword Berlusconi is actually easy to understand the misdeeds of their Premier, and indeed they consider it just because it can get away with murder ... Because it represents the best that "cunning fake" all Italian. It is certainly true, and there are many. There are, however, some people who sincerely believe in innocence and good faith of this clown. Are probably too drugged minds from the media bombardment that has been and still is a pillar strong (strong) the success of Knight. As I said before that the weapons that use the Boss and his henchmen are slimy, tested, compact. Meanwhile, if you notice any government official speaking on TV repeating the same mantra. For each write a new news mantra, which should be repeated at machine-gun fire, without even listening because the replicas to remove the same mantra. The mantra that came up with this nasty business is that Boccassini is communist, that the prosecutor put in play by everyone who passed Arcore (colossal dance!) In order to find the crime to the police station that the call was out of pure interest in the fate a North African (now, as the lie was not just walk in if they've invented a worse one, or really thought that B. was the nephew of Mubarak ... Yeah, right, has also been informed by a major diplomatic ... 'Na Brazilian bitch!? Ahahahaha, but please do), that the Premier can not even make a little party in peace at home (poor, sic!), and he gave all that money to escort because it is a great benefactor and gives money to anyone who needs it (in an episode of Porta a Porta I am pissed with laughter: c ' Gelmini was, in his prissy schoolmarm look of 'sti cocks, which was exaggerated in a half-hour list of all the charities that Berlusconi does not say ... The result was the description of a man who can only be beatified!). The work to bring up, each episode of his misdeeds, is a sort of weapon of mass distraction (distracting the enemies, and win!). Never respond to the substance of issues, dismissing it as false regardless, and more they always try to shift attention from the moon on his finger. In fact, incidentally, have withdrawn out of the history of the house of Monte Carlo. The goal? To show that even political opponents of Berlusconi, Fini see, have skeletons in the closet. The story of the house of Montecarlo is obviously some truth (Fini video message that they do not know if the house is his brother or not it is quite embarrassing ... It 's your wife's brother, for God's sake how can you not know?), but I wonder if the Speaker of the House resign over the affair, certainly regrettable, but not as bad as other events on the plate, then with all that Berlusconi on his back what they should do? You should at least hang! The reality is that everything takes us around the world not because the prime minister does not resign (I know everywhere, they know it is), but because Italians are not blatant actions to force him to resign. I'm not saying we should do what they are doing in the Arab countries during this period (a social phenomenon to be followed carefully!), But even this property from dried snails. Do not collect enough signatures, my dear Bersani. We must secure the country, the institutions of government. We must find ways to spark a revolution (peaceful) in our country. We can no longer accept a Prime Minister who instead of going to court to defend itself continues to run video messages that can be said what he wants, without any contradictory. We can no longer accept a prime minister who offended and throws mud on a fundamental power of our democracy, the judiciary, and calls in TV shows like a maniac sexual offending everyone and everything. This is the objective reality, and must go beyond the personal political views of each of us. There are certain rules and limits that no one can pass, anyone in government. In conclusion, let me say something about the personal situation of this gentleman who governs us. The reality that emerges from eavesdropping draws a picture of a deeply unhappy man, alone, surrounded by people who flattered only for personal gain. I say that makes me a little trouble? Truly, I say this without irony. The social message that emerges from this whole affair is that the life and the world invented by Berlusconi (and not just him) are fake, phony, empty. Everyone thinks that such a life is fabulous, the best we could wish for. We have passed off for years as the world of toys. Yes, I know it may seem a very rhetorical speech, but the reality of things when a man of those levels was "forced" to pay a woman to have a bit of "fake love" means that everything around you just so much empty. Probably our boastful knight, as it appears in public, private man who prefers to pay a woman for "no illusions" ... When you are at some level you always suspected that those who approach you to do it for his personal gain ... So better pay to have the situation clearly before our eyes, without too many rounds of mock politeness! What is certain is that several have publicly portrayed as a man deeply unhappy and alone, and did not do any people but people like the same Lele Mora and Ruby (who have attended a lot, in other words). Tap-a clear space of people who try to cheat in every possible way imaginable ... Even Emilio Fede (tapped him money to Mora, and then if they have pocketed a percentage)! Reality is this, my friends. The reality of the facts. There need more than ever to construct a different reality, political and social. Berlusconi is no need for it goes (although I do not think it ever will, until the League will support it in Parliament!), For the good of all and maybe even for her. We need, however, that if they go with Berlusconi also fake happiness, false values, the false ideals that he himself has invented and still strong shaking hips our poor Italy. Reality is not enough to change the simple fact that if they go Berlusconi. It must also go that Berlusconi is a bit inside us all, otherwise it is useless. It is to pull all the grass that has infested our march Earth plant seeds and roots, new and clean, wet and cultivate with love and care ... Only then will grow a beautiful carpet of grass on our country! There is a reality better than the crap we see: tiriamola out! Blue Soul
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