Luca Mazzucco, Torino
I was back a few hours, I saw For the first time, he was tall, handsome, strong and smelled like oil and steel. For years I saw him get up at four in the morning, climb on his bicycle and disappeared into the fog of Turin, in the direction of the factory.
I saw him fall asleep on the couch, destroyed by hours of work and alienated from the production of thousands of pieces, all the same, imposed by the piece. I saw happy to spend their free time with his children and wife. I witnessed the pain, when he told me that his salary would not let me attend college. I have seen it humbled, when he was offered an increase of 100 pounds per hour of work. I've seen destroyed, when aged 53, a factory manager told him he was too old for their needs.
I've seen managers and industry increasingly seek to raise the working age, I saw economists encourage the globalization of money, but forget about the globalization of rights, I have seen editors say that the workers no longer existed, I have seen politicians ask workers to make sacrifices for the good of the country, I have seen union leaders say that modernity asked to go back.
But I missed the air, when Monday, July 26, 2010, in La Stampa of Turin, I read the editorial of Professor. Mario Deaglio. In the statement of the professor, the "rights of workers" become "non-monetary remuneration", the "defense of the job" was to be replaced by a bird "guarantee continuity of work opportunities, but also the employee whose wages had been reduced to a minimum, did not require more than "free time in which to spend those wages, but only had to think about satisfy the requests of the other party (the theory repeated by Professor Mario Deaglio Radio 24 between 17.30 and 18.00 of the Tuesday, July 27, 2010).
think that a man of culture, despite all the arguments he is able to argue that the leisure of a worker who has no value because it is not related to money, I took off the air. I got the car built by workers at the Mirafiori plant in Turin. I ran to my parents' house, I saw for the umpteenth time. It was curved, the labyrinthitis is caused by millions of rounds of press, it was staggering, was weak due to heart disease, it was my father, a worker at the press shop, for 35 years, he had sacrificed everything, except the time with the his family, that was free.
smelled of dignity.
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