Monday, December 21, 2009

Vinegar Clean Pressing Comb

Italy wound

Dear friends, I know what you are thinking ... Here, even after Blu soul what happened to Silvio was electrocuted on the road to Damascus and was converted to the cause of Berlusconi. Of course, the title of this post below with pictures attached would be better placed as the opening of "Il Giornale" Victor Felts or "free" Belpietro. And do not, of course. As always, you will discover further in the sense of it all. Well, So, let's start from the beginning. E 'success a fact (you all know, needless to tell you about it then): Berlusconi hurt. Thumbnail of Milan Cathedral, crowds of people, some Massimo Tartaglia takes aim and hits the President. I want to tell you my own personal feeling, first of all ... For the first time in my life I had before the image of a different Berlusconi. Logical, you say, it never happened anything like that. Yes, probably, but after years and years that Berlusconi has been and is portrayed as a man infallible, indestructible, always on the crest of the wave to see the expression on his face in pain, confused, shocked, from the blood coming out , gave me the impression of a man whatsoever, an old affliction, and I'm not ashamed to say I tried almost ... Compassion. This, again, is a personal feeling and I felt that I wanted to tell you. The act itself is, of course, condemned and frankly I think it's really sad having to find in 2009 (almost 2010) to still have to say certain things. It 's sad to think that in our civilized society the value of Non - Violence is still so rare. Violence must be put away forever, without ifs or buts, no good reasons can justify it (except for those cases where you are attacked with violence, or worse, are attacked the innocent and helpless ... I am reminded, for example, the partisan struggle against Nazi-Fascism): since you use violence against a person is immediately in the wrong, you can have all the more justifiable reasons for doing so but will self-destruct. The End, in my opinion, never justifies the means (except, again, in some particular situations ... Fortunately, very rare). That said, it is clear that in Italy there is a climate of hate. But it is a life that is hate in Italy. Perhaps the hatred is born with Italy itself. The Italians are a people with many merits and virtues, but certainly the concept of "Respect for the Other" does not even know what it is. And perhaps that is one explanation why ours is the only country in Europe that a phenomenon like the mafia. After the attack on Berlusconi his faithful and loyal they immediately worked to foist yet another dance to the Italians that the accused Silvio to be a mafioso, and so stragista has armed the hand of a mentally unstable. Now: I think that if a madman takes a cathedral in miniature, and throws him against the prime minister does not do it only as crazy, but also the social climate that breathes, but to say that this climate of hate and everything result of the opposition and, with the complicity of the media, paint Berlusconi almost as a kind of martyr of our times ... Well, it seems very risky. Gentlemen, we have had in recent months (even years, also including other legislatures) a President of the Council based its government policy almost exclusively on trying to scamparsela processes that see him accused ... In every way imaginable. I say, but even his dolphin show every time a new law ad personam they no longer have difficulty in admitting that it is to protect Berlusconi. Shit, is obvious. To not look bad, then came up with the history of judicial persecution, the red robes of the plot. This tale that I have invented is something I find extremely serious, respect for the judiciary (which should be, I dare say, something almost sacred) literally goes to hell. Oh yes, because if we teach that if a citizen is accused so many times it is because is haunted by the courts, then anyone can say for itself. Even the mafia, who are the defendants in a variety of processes, it can be said to be haunted. Anyone. Cade a pillar of our democracy. In no other country would have happened a thing, would have burst a slaughterhouse. On the other hand, we rose to the pill as usual. Another pillar of democracy they wanted to break down (thankfully they wanted, yet remained standing ... Even if you do not know for how much) with various Lodi ... Before Schifani, then Alfano ... Names change, but the substance remains the same. When a Constitutional Court, which defends the Constitution, boccia these devices by applying the most important of our democratic principles, that all citizens are equal before the law, here that leave all kinds of insults against an organ to which, again, would lead the utmost respect. The climate of hate created it mainly Berlusconi, it is unnecessary for us to come to tell or do the politically correct for the simple fact that he hates anyone stop his plans. And his project is not going to stand trial. So let me, it is plausible to me that the city is reasonable doubt that it can be really guilty of the crimes of which he is accused? Heck, if a person is innocent, why should not stand trial? It would be the same person to want, have the conscience to be right, and then wants to that the truth emerges. Among other things, there are several levels of courts, with judges obviously different at every step of the case, and certainly our Silvietta national elite can afford lawyers. Another beautiful dance that passes for true is that Mr. B. would not have tried to respect the will of the people who elected him. The will of the people must stop in front of the judiciary. The judiciary acts in protection of the citizens themselves. Citizens are not prosecutors, if those who voted guilty of a crime will never know. Certainly not tell him the news. So then if the person was elected is accused of something must resign (because you can not reconcile an institutional function with an ongoing process, both for moral and ethical and practical), goes to stand trial if he is acquitted may well recur the next election, otherwise it makes her beautiful attaches when it comes out of prison and certainly can not think of return to institutional roles. It would take a good law, as requested by Beppe Grillo: convicts out by the governing bodies forever, if you are in the process of political withdrawal, if finally acquitted of freedom reoccur. In short, the institutions are valuable and should continue to do so. Who manages them must rise to ethical and moral to do so. You see, dear friends, the problem is this, a Berlusconi private conception of the state (in fact the process of privatizing everything, lacking only the air now), for its own use and consumption. The truth is that he does not even have a conception of politics, sociology, in the head. The policy considers it a powerful tool (along with others) to enhance her figure, the person, in a huge and growing ego. His government policy is aimed to remove the hindrances, to encourage him and those like him. Point. Many people have the right to vote just because Berlusconi is right, or rather because Berlusconi is right. They make me smile (so to speak) his loyal when they say that there was too much customization on Berlusconi by the media, the opposition, and so on. Others are not, he is able to channel all and all about himself. It 's his "charisma", his driving force, the secret to power and he knows it well. It is for this reason that just after he was hit in the Piazza del Duomo wanted out of the car, climb on the running board and show (albeit weak) to his people ... As a soldier, wounded, gets up again. The other day a philosopher Santoro (of which I can not remember the name) said that this self-customization could very well trigger a mechanism of obsessive fixation on a non-perfectly balanced. Well, I agree fully. I share a personal experience because I live where this is true. My grandmother. My grandmother is a person smart in many ways, just the other day he turned 90 years old. Like many seniors, however, has episodes of dementia ... His main problem is that watching too much television. In recent years I and my family, we began to realize that passionate about politics (she as a young man who has never shown any particular interest, in fact ...), and so far nothing bad. But then his interest in politics (thanks probably the TV which, as mentioned, takes in large amounts) has begun to move mainly on the figure of Berlusconi in an obsessive way, so that whatever happens is his fault. In short, he personified everything evil in the world. But at the same time, was born of a love-hate relationship ... If a day does not see it or feel it is almost evil, or at certain times of black-out rather than speak ill of speech addressed to him in high esteem. Of course, then every disease is in itself (I do not think my grandmother would never harm the physical, trovandoselo front) but the mechanism is the same. Returning for the personal use of the policy is that Berlusconi reassures me to see that, fortunately, on the other side there is someone in this game there is. Purposes, for example. Fini I is not nice, but I recognize the fact that he is in politics because he believes and why he loves her. First, do not want a country to its own use, and the second he realized that to live in a society certain essential democratic values \u200b\u200bmust be shared (such as the migrant issue, etc.). It 'been very courageous in recent months, it was unmarked Berlusconi strongly from the line and was always consistent with himself. I very much appreciated, for example, which has brought its human solidarity to Berlusconi but at the same time, the next day when there was to criticize the government sull'ennesima reliance on the Budget has not posed problems in doing so .. . And even harder. I expect (or hope) that continue to prevent this wave all the way Berlusconi to continue its saving tricks myself. Short trial already has a little limp, the risk is that if Berlusconi falls all fall ... Fini including himself, and knows that without Gianfranco Silvio is not going very far (despite the strong support recently completed). Of course, continuing the rift between the two become a chasm and roads inevitably would split ... And the People of Freedom, co-founded, which would end? Well, we'll see. And the opposition? Well, as always, the Italy of Values \u200b\u200b(though I'd give less importance to Berlusconi, and speak of proposals), the Democratic Party instead of trudging seems a big whale beached on the coast ... Bersani Buddha seems depressed, and had the makings of a leader as Berlusconi that an honest man. We strongly recommend sending D'Alema in retirement, his arguments in favor of a compromise with the PDL-saving standards premier show that advanced age and probably deserved a little rest would not hurt. Joking aside, I hope that the Left not in yet helmets pitfall of the Right, this time called Democratic Pact (resembles a lot to the Democratic Party, do not you?). Long wave of the attack the opposition to Berlusconi wants inguaiare "semi-dormant finally snatching the tacit assent of all the laws and ad-Silvium sneaky. One thing is to tone down, another is that no one can say from now on to criticize (too hard) the government on pain of being accused of terrorist media and instigator of fools. This is What a bell'inciucio. The PD also pay attention to possible alliances with the UDC (remember that the game of Casino & Co has always been favorable to the various Lodi, nuclear and so on), and kindly support Vendola in Puglia. Well, as usual I rambled a bit ... The central theme of this article would be the climate of hate in Italy, and the deep wound (so many gathered in one) that rips our beautiful country. Hence the title for my post. Oh yes, because in addition to wound Berlusconi (which I repeat must go all our human solidarity and condemnation of the violent act, but nothing more), Italy is full of bleeding open: the hatred of immigrants, one on everything. The usual hypocritical of the league that go on TV to accuse Di Pietro and the other of fomenting aggression, are not they the ones who most bloodthirsty warriors Minutes? We want to remember the Gentilini, Borghezio, Calderoli? We want to remind the young that Padani, arrogant, facing the shouting telecare "OUT OF THE NEGRI ITALY AND THE JEWS? We want to remind the various municipalities that not only allow non-praying, but actually not even meet each other in cultural centers and be able to speak a foreign language? Well, this is a deep wound fed by hatred ... It 'a time bomb that threatens to break out and bring the country to the brink of civil war (Which in some ways has already begun). And then remember the wound of work: more than two million people without jobs, forced to climb on roofs, occupying factories ... While more and more increases in the number of those who, in conditions of hunger, Italians in Italy. And school? Our dear Government, with Mrs. Gelmini, and its massive funding cuts and staff. Even here I can take a personal example: my brother. My brother is 12, suffers from Down syndrome and therefore still attending elementary school. Until last year had a teacher support that covered virtually the entire working week, with reforms Gelmini died on 1 to 1 ratio. My brother, for the State, this year would have only 6 hours of support throughout the week. My parents broke some boxes, then claiming it to be better. With the money of the Piedmont Region and the province (so no government) are paid two other people (a retired teacher and a graduate student) who, together with teacher support, they cover almost (almost a whole day because it is found) all necessary. But what happens ... It happens that no longer exists for the 1 to 1, it is clear that if the child does not provide a figure fixed reference, but ask him three (two of which, among other things, they know nothing in the area of \u200b\u200bsupport) that must coordinate well with each other should not be at all well. The result? My brother goes almost every morning in front of the PC or the TV to watch cartoons, and the notebooks are more beautiful but not written as in previous years. This is integration? This is not an open wound? Leave behind those who, however, would need more tools to compete ... Do you want to reopen the special classes, then say it clearly! It 'really un'eugenetica social and cultural. As we have seen, then, of wounds in Italy there are only those of Berlusconi ... But he certainly does not help the wounds of the beautiful country and to close them riemarginarle, but rather to expand and make them bleed more. Anyway ... Merry Christmas and Happy 2010 (hopefully, with the usual utopian, both better than closing it) from Blue Soul

Romantic Love Making Vidoes

Men ... The crazy Dr.

Husband and wife take a walk in the countryside. Having had a very strong debate, do not talk. Till, past a farm, where you see the donkeys and pigs, the husband dares to break the silence and says, 'Go, ... are your family? The wife promptly answered: Yes, captured!

A man reads the newspaper and tells his wife: - "Did you know that women use 30,000 words a day and men only 15,000"?
The woman replied: "It 's easy to explain, since you always have to repeat twice the same thing to men'.
The man turns to her and says, 'What!'

A man tells his wife: - How is it that you are so beautiful and so
stupid at the same time? The woman answered: God made me beautiful to attract, and I was so stupid to keep.

Following a dispute, a pair no longer speak. Nobody wants to break the silence. Suddenly you remember that her husband has to get up at 5 am to catch the plane in view of the very important business appointment. He takes a piece of paper and writes: - "Wake me at 5 am, I take the plane" and puts it in plain sight. The next morning, he wakes up at 9. Furious, he gets up and sees a paper on the bedside table where it reads: "I get up the 5".

'It is true, Mom, that in certain parts of Africa women do not know her husband until the wedding day? ". "This happens all over the world, dear."

The right woman for a man? A cross between Mother Teresa and Sharon Stone ... practically a saint who brought the habit, but without underwear underneath!

Why do women always choose men messy, unfaithful, insensitive, curmudgeons, cold, and sports fans on TV? Single?!? Why, there are the others?

Men are like the toilets: When the circles do not find one. When you find one is busy. When you find a free ... is in a pitiful condition!
----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------

Four friends meet after many years.
begin to talk about this and that and, while one goes to order a drink, the others begin to speak of their children. The first of three says: "I am very proud of my son. He started working as an errand boy, he enrolled at night and graduated. A few years later became director and is now the president of the company. It 'has become so rich to give to his friend with a birthday a super-luxury Mercedes. "
In the second says: "I'm very proud of my son. He started working as a steward on board an aircraft. In the meantime, became a pilot. It is associated with others and founded an airline. Today is so rich that he has a friend for the birthday gift of a twin-engine Cessna airplane. "
The third then says:" I can not tell you the pride I get from mine. He studied engineering. He opened a construction company and has made billions. He, on the birthday of a friend, gave him a villa on 1500 sqm.
Meanwhile, the quarter back and asked what they were talking about, then ask him the three friends of his son. "My son is a gay gigolo . She earns a living that way. "
and friends:" Poor boy, what a misfortune! "" But what a calamity! He's a fairy tale! Think this year for his birthday three gay customers they've got a Mercedes, a private jet and a villa of 1500 square meters! ... And your children instead .. What are they doing?