The Pop Group
Announced for September, the new album ("The Alternate ") of the legendary Pop Group , after 30 years from their previous album.
to promote (and, no doubt, to play the many gems of their repertoire), a tour that starts from Italy, the first date in Bologna on September 18, the second in Turin on 20.
In the front row.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Play-mate Of The Apes Watch Online
not recognize myself in Tg1 ... Snout
The letter from Maria Luisa Busi
"A journalist has a unique tool to defend their professional beliefs: to raise his signature piece. A conductor, a conductive, it can only raise his face at this point. " And 'This is one of the main points of the letter from Maria Luisa Busi announced its intention to abandon the management of Tg1. The letter, posted in three folders and a half editorial board of the news, is addressed to the Director Augusto Minzolini and Cdr, and for information to the Director General of RAI Mauro Masi, the company president Paul Garimberti and human resources manager Luciano flows. Here is the full text.
"Dear Editor: I ask to be relieved from the task of conducting the 20th edition of Tg1, having determined that a situation does not allow me to perform this task without injury to my professional beliefs. This is a difficult choice for me, but obligatory. I consider the editorial that you wanted to give the paper a sort of a diversion, because of which the Tg1 risk crashing into a permanent loss of credibility with viewers. "
" As the president of the Vigilance Commission Sergio Zavoli Rai: 'The biggest Italian newspapers, renouncing its traditional structure has seen transform together with its identity, traditional part of listening " .
"I love this newspaper, where I work for 21 years. Because it is a great newspaper. E 'is the newspaper of the Vespa, Frajese, Longhi, Morrione, Fava, Giuntella. The Journal of different cultures, different ideas. The contained all, this was his wealth. It was their newspaper, our newspaper. Even colleagues who have removed from their posts and many others in here who have been marginalized. This is the newspaper he has spoken to the whole country. The newspaper of the Italians. The newspaper that gave voice to all the entries. It has never been a single voice of the newspaper. Today, information is information Tg1 partial and partisan. Where is the real country? Where are the women in real life? Those who have to wait months for a mammogram, if they can not pay for it? Those with the worst wages in Europe, those who are struggling every day to keep going because there is no nursery place for all our children? Must be to raise the blood and die for the honor of one of our title.
And where are the women and men who have lost their jobs? A million people, behind which are their families. Where are young people, for the first time with a worse future of the fathers? And the forty still precarious, 800 euro per month, which can not even buy a couch, let alone giving birth to a child? And where are the cassintegrati Alitalia? What happened? And hundreds of companies and entrepreneurs that are closing the northeast who commit suicide because they failed? Where is the Italy we have a duty to tell? That Italy exists. But the TG1 has dropped. Also I buy toilet paper for my daughter who attends first grade in a public school. But that evening, in Tg1 20, we give space only to ministers and Gelmini Brunetta presenting the new great project for the digitization of the school, including a digital whiteboard.
"Italy is experiencing a dramatic social crisis is over in the siding of our indifference. Squeezed between information of a party - an editorial on justice, one against the repentant Mafia, another on the investigation of Trani in which you said not to be investigated, denied by the facts the next day - and infotainment everyday from How many times must wash their hands every day, hunting the crocodile in the lake, the antiscippo underpants. An editorial choice with which we are enriching the scripts of the programs of satire and impoverishing our reputation as the first newspaper of the public service of the most important company in the country's cultural. In addition to the citizens, make expenses so many good colleagues who could devote more satisfaction in many other investigations of the most high profile and public interest. "
" A journalist has a unique tool to defend their professional beliefs: to raise his signature piece. A conductor, a conductor, it can only raise his face, at this point. As I was in fact the conductor of the viewers that the news is reconnected. And 'he who plays primarily the role of ensuring that there is a relationship of trust with viewers. "
" The facts are the Eagle was the proof. When hundreds of people have railed against the crew that drove to the cry of shame and scodinzolini, I realized that relationship of trust that has always connected with our audience was really compromised. That 's what happens when communication is privileged information, to verify the propaganda. "
In the letter to Minzolini Busi takes to make one final note" more personal "," I made the style of honesty and loyalty of my life and my profession. Dissent is not betray. I do not remember who said recently. Therefore:
1) I reject the accusation that he had committed misconduct. The criticisms that I have expressed publicly - remember that it is my right as well as a duty being a counselor in the FNSI - I had already moved well in the meetings of Contents, and you, personally. In a spirit of sincere cooperation, thinking that in a job like ours, the movement of ideas and diversity of opinion constitute an enrichment. This is why I continued to conduct in recent months. But it is clear that there's no space for democratic discourse in Tg1. These are the times of the single thought. Who is out there is, sooner or later.
2) reject the accusation that I was moving to biting the hand that feeds. I remember that the dish is that of a simple left, which simply asks that the dish contains the right ingredients. All honest. And I want to clarify that you have always refused compensation out of the Rai, lavishly offered by large companies for the time called for their conventions, believing that a reporter from the public service should not profit from their role.
3) reject as insulting statements in your letter after the interview with Republic, letter in which you called the company a disciplinary action against me: I've been accused of "damaging the newspaper I work for," with my statements on the data of listening. The figures released have confirmed those statements. I also find it ironic your consideration the following: 'Tg1 give consideration to the positions of minorities but not shocked the facts in deference to ideological campaigns. "I can tell you that the only country in which I work is where I spend weekends with his family. I hope you can say the same. Conversely I have noticed that has not raised a word against your violent smear campaign that the newspaper Il Giornale, Libero and the weekly Panorama - even using improperly business mail me direct - have lined up against me after my criticism of your line editorial. An attack on clock: immediately discredit those who disagree to weaken the value of its claims. I have been called 'shear ciacolante - talkative girl - reporter without news, without editorial columnist' and so on. It is not what I said the President Ciampi handing the Prix Saint Vincent journalism, at the Quirinale. To answer these cowards my office. But know that is not why I leave the conduct of 20. Thomas Bernhard in Old Masters writes dozens of times a word that I love very much: respect. Do not live with admiration, he says, but of respect that we need. "
He concludes:" Dear Editor, I believe we need more respect. For news, the public, for the truth. What I feel for the history of Tg1, for my company, leads me to this decision. Respect for viewers, our single point of contact. We should always remember. You, too, you would have the duty ".
----------------------------------------- -----------------
ARCHIVE Tg1, the expulsion of the three conductors and decided by Minzolini perceived as a purge A presenter has not signed the historic document in favor of the director on the Mills case, goes to the
Busi: "Yes, it's taken a reprisal
never seen so bold, and we lose plays"
"There is an untenable climate in writing. There's the dialectic between the various sensitivity
Maria Luisa Busi, for twenty years to Tg1, face-edge edition of 20, could be the next to be expelled from the Tg1. Why has not signed the appeal to the Director Augusto Minzolini Mills on the case. And in February, when he was sent to L'Aquila, Abruzzi to the director who challenged "Scodinzolini," she would not have sufficient strength opposite. The Busi is a "black list" of Tg1, but agrees to talk.
Busi, that atmosphere we breathe today TG1? Believed to be a coincidence that the run erased the faces of those who signed the letter in favor of the director?
"I think it is entirely accidental. I think this is a retaliation. In the words of Franco Siddi, secretary of the FNSI. A first reprisal from colleagues, professional historians and faces free of this newspaper, hit Massimo De Strobel, managing editor central key man of the historic machine Tg1. He is not a signatory of the letter, as it happens. He removed without an alternative credible professional.'s climate? The climate in the newsroom is unsustainable in 21 years I have seen other directors of the center due to the cultural (Vespa, Scarlett, Minun), no one had ever dared so much. As for the "renewal", mentioned by the Director Minzolini ... what are we talking about? Does the BBC, CNN, public television in French, no matter the audience loyalty, than to the past? In the sense of those who made the history of the newspaper and its credibility. And what about De Strobel, wrong even in the video. "
advisers Rizzo Nervo Rai and Van Straten speak of determination" Stalinist "by the director of Tg1.
" They make good counselors to use strong words. The truth is that our newspaper has always been one in which the dialectic between the sensitivities in writing has always been respected. As has always been respected the diversity of voices in the country.
Some say that the TG1 and TG deployed. What do you think?
"I wonder how one can say otherwise. It is in everybody's eyes, millions of viewers. Less and less, among others. We are certified public lost 26 percent of listening. Continually encounter people who say, "I will not watch anymore." People are more disparate. Hard to believe that it depends on two sets of issues: first, the editorials. The Director has the right to do it, but I do not have to forget that this is the first newspaper of the public service. Not had never been deployed at these levels on issues dear to the government and the presidency of the council. The second is the representation of the country. Al TG1 not speaking about real life problems of citizens, who have lost their jobs, who can not make it, of cassintegrati, the temporary school.
conductors Tg1 jump. The next one could be her. She regrets not having signed the document in support of the director?
"I do not regret at all. He opened by saying: there is no discomfort to the TG1 ... Could not be a truthful statement nor shared.
you put the wires we face. We embarrassed the satire of the Trio Medusa, which takes you around the announcement of services Tg1 lighter?
"This creates in me a great embarrassment. Army always be my role, as other colleagues, in trying to prevent the infotainment (information-entertainment) as a spill-out of all proportion is happening. Once, we gave the news as the sixth swans trapped by ice in Ukraine and a few lines on a general strike in Sardinia. Without taking anything away from his colleagues that those pieces are so-called light, and try to make them the best, so you can not go forward. But the worst was in L'Aquila when a protest against the crew of Tg1 was riding, were the hundreds of quake-hit people. "
The letter from Maria Luisa Busi
"A journalist has a unique tool to defend their professional beliefs: to raise his signature piece. A conductor, a conductive, it can only raise his face at this point. " And 'This is one of the main points of the letter from Maria Luisa Busi announced its intention to abandon the management of Tg1. The letter, posted in three folders and a half editorial board of the news, is addressed to the Director Augusto Minzolini and Cdr, and for information to the Director General of RAI Mauro Masi, the company president Paul Garimberti and human resources manager Luciano flows. Here is the full text.
"Dear Editor: I ask to be relieved from the task of conducting the 20th edition of Tg1, having determined that a situation does not allow me to perform this task without injury to my professional beliefs. This is a difficult choice for me, but obligatory. I consider the editorial that you wanted to give the paper a sort of a diversion, because of which the Tg1 risk crashing into a permanent loss of credibility with viewers. "
" As the president of the Vigilance Commission Sergio Zavoli Rai: 'The biggest Italian newspapers, renouncing its traditional structure has seen transform together with its identity, traditional part of listening " .
"I love this newspaper, where I work for 21 years. Because it is a great newspaper. E 'is the newspaper of the Vespa, Frajese, Longhi, Morrione, Fava, Giuntella. The Journal of different cultures, different ideas. The contained all, this was his wealth. It was their newspaper, our newspaper. Even colleagues who have removed from their posts and many others in here who have been marginalized. This is the newspaper he has spoken to the whole country. The newspaper of the Italians. The newspaper that gave voice to all the entries. It has never been a single voice of the newspaper. Today, information is information Tg1 partial and partisan. Where is the real country? Where are the women in real life? Those who have to wait months for a mammogram, if they can not pay for it? Those with the worst wages in Europe, those who are struggling every day to keep going because there is no nursery place for all our children? Must be to raise the blood and die for the honor of one of our title.
And where are the women and men who have lost their jobs? A million people, behind which are their families. Where are young people, for the first time with a worse future of the fathers? And the forty still precarious, 800 euro per month, which can not even buy a couch, let alone giving birth to a child? And where are the cassintegrati Alitalia? What happened? And hundreds of companies and entrepreneurs that are closing the northeast who commit suicide because they failed? Where is the Italy we have a duty to tell? That Italy exists. But the TG1 has dropped. Also I buy toilet paper for my daughter who attends first grade in a public school. But that evening, in Tg1 20, we give space only to ministers and Gelmini Brunetta presenting the new great project for the digitization of the school, including a digital whiteboard.
"Italy is experiencing a dramatic social crisis is over in the siding of our indifference. Squeezed between information of a party - an editorial on justice, one against the repentant Mafia, another on the investigation of Trani in which you said not to be investigated, denied by the facts the next day - and infotainment everyday from How many times must wash their hands every day, hunting the crocodile in the lake, the antiscippo underpants. An editorial choice with which we are enriching the scripts of the programs of satire and impoverishing our reputation as the first newspaper of the public service of the most important company in the country's cultural. In addition to the citizens, make expenses so many good colleagues who could devote more satisfaction in many other investigations of the most high profile and public interest. "
" A journalist has a unique tool to defend their professional beliefs: to raise his signature piece. A conductor, a conductor, it can only raise his face, at this point. As I was in fact the conductor of the viewers that the news is reconnected. And 'he who plays primarily the role of ensuring that there is a relationship of trust with viewers. "
" The facts are the Eagle was the proof. When hundreds of people have railed against the crew that drove to the cry of shame and scodinzolini, I realized that relationship of trust that has always connected with our audience was really compromised. That 's what happens when communication is privileged information, to verify the propaganda. "
In the letter to Minzolini Busi takes to make one final note" more personal "," I made the style of honesty and loyalty of my life and my profession. Dissent is not betray. I do not remember who said recently. Therefore:
1) I reject the accusation that he had committed misconduct. The criticisms that I have expressed publicly - remember that it is my right as well as a duty being a counselor in the FNSI - I had already moved well in the meetings of Contents, and you, personally. In a spirit of sincere cooperation, thinking that in a job like ours, the movement of ideas and diversity of opinion constitute an enrichment. This is why I continued to conduct in recent months. But it is clear that there's no space for democratic discourse in Tg1. These are the times of the single thought. Who is out there is, sooner or later.
2) reject the accusation that I was moving to biting the hand that feeds. I remember that the dish is that of a simple left, which simply asks that the dish contains the right ingredients. All honest. And I want to clarify that you have always refused compensation out of the Rai, lavishly offered by large companies for the time called for their conventions, believing that a reporter from the public service should not profit from their role.
3) reject as insulting statements in your letter after the interview with Republic, letter in which you called the company a disciplinary action against me: I've been accused of "damaging the newspaper I work for," with my statements on the data of listening. The figures released have confirmed those statements. I also find it ironic your consideration the following: 'Tg1 give consideration to the positions of minorities but not shocked the facts in deference to ideological campaigns. "I can tell you that the only country in which I work is where I spend weekends with his family. I hope you can say the same. Conversely I have noticed that has not raised a word against your violent smear campaign that the newspaper Il Giornale, Libero and the weekly Panorama - even using improperly business mail me direct - have lined up against me after my criticism of your line editorial. An attack on clock: immediately discredit those who disagree to weaken the value of its claims. I have been called 'shear ciacolante - talkative girl - reporter without news, without editorial columnist' and so on. It is not what I said the President Ciampi handing the Prix Saint Vincent journalism, at the Quirinale. To answer these cowards my office. But know that is not why I leave the conduct of 20. Thomas Bernhard in Old Masters writes dozens of times a word that I love very much: respect. Do not live with admiration, he says, but of respect that we need. "
He concludes:" Dear Editor, I believe we need more respect. For news, the public, for the truth. What I feel for the history of Tg1, for my company, leads me to this decision. Respect for viewers, our single point of contact. We should always remember. You, too, you would have the duty ".
----------------------------------------- -----------------
ARCHIVE Tg1, the expulsion of the three conductors and decided by Minzolini perceived as a purge A presenter has not signed the historic document in favor of the director on the Mills case, goes to the
Busi: "Yes, it's taken a reprisal
never seen so bold, and we lose plays"
"There is an untenable climate in writing. There's the dialectic between the various sensitivity
Maria Luisa Busi, for twenty years to Tg1, face-edge edition of 20, could be the next to be expelled from the Tg1. Why has not signed the appeal to the Director Augusto Minzolini Mills on the case. And in February, when he was sent to L'Aquila, Abruzzi to the director who challenged "Scodinzolini," she would not have sufficient strength opposite. The Busi is a "black list" of Tg1, but agrees to talk.
Busi, that atmosphere we breathe today TG1? Believed to be a coincidence that the run erased the faces of those who signed the letter in favor of the director?
"I think it is entirely accidental. I think this is a retaliation. In the words of Franco Siddi, secretary of the FNSI. A first reprisal from colleagues, professional historians and faces free of this newspaper, hit Massimo De Strobel, managing editor central key man of the historic machine Tg1. He is not a signatory of the letter, as it happens. He removed without an alternative credible professional.'s climate? The climate in the newsroom is unsustainable in 21 years I have seen other directors of the center due to the cultural (Vespa, Scarlett, Minun), no one had ever dared so much. As for the "renewal", mentioned by the Director Minzolini ... what are we talking about? Does the BBC, CNN, public television in French, no matter the audience loyalty, than to the past? In the sense of those who made the history of the newspaper and its credibility. And what about De Strobel, wrong even in the video. "
advisers Rizzo Nervo Rai and Van Straten speak of determination" Stalinist "by the director of Tg1.
" They make good counselors to use strong words. The truth is that our newspaper has always been one in which the dialectic between the sensitivities in writing has always been respected. As has always been respected the diversity of voices in the country.
Some say that the TG1 and TG deployed. What do you think?
"I wonder how one can say otherwise. It is in everybody's eyes, millions of viewers. Less and less, among others. We are certified public lost 26 percent of listening. Continually encounter people who say, "I will not watch anymore." People are more disparate. Hard to believe that it depends on two sets of issues: first, the editorials. The Director has the right to do it, but I do not have to forget that this is the first newspaper of the public service. Not had never been deployed at these levels on issues dear to the government and the presidency of the council. The second is the representation of the country. Al TG1 not speaking about real life problems of citizens, who have lost their jobs, who can not make it, of cassintegrati, the temporary school.
conductors Tg1 jump. The next one could be her. She regrets not having signed the document in support of the director?
"I do not regret at all. He opened by saying: there is no discomfort to the TG1 ... Could not be a truthful statement nor shared.
you put the wires we face. We embarrassed the satire of the Trio Medusa, which takes you around the announcement of services Tg1 lighter?
"This creates in me a great embarrassment. Army always be my role, as other colleagues, in trying to prevent the infotainment (information-entertainment) as a spill-out of all proportion is happening. Once, we gave the news as the sixth swans trapped by ice in Ukraine and a few lines on a general strike in Sardinia. Without taking anything away from his colleagues that those pieces are so-called light, and try to make them the best, so you can not go forward. But the worst was in L'Aquila when a protest against the crew of Tg1 was riding, were the hundreds of quake-hit people. "
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Nice, nice and above all intelligent ... Great hope for the future of North
Nice, nice and above all intelligent ... Great hope for the future of North
His story
son of a senator of the Italian parliament, member of the scientific school of Trade, was rejected three times a graduation examination, even though an inspector has come specially from London to repeat the test and verify that the examiners were not the usual Communist Party: failed in this circumstance.
the fourth attempt over the committee was very brightly with excellent 69/100: is a genius, deserves a prominent place in society. With the necessary requirements
enter now for the Centre to join the Lombardy Fair, to monitor the "Expo cake."
The salary is not suited to his fine qualities, but for the sake of this country, is content to just € 12,000 a month to fight corruption and nepotism.
regional elections of 2010, just 21 years, was elected regional councilor. We can say with great satisfaction that in this country who are dedicated to the study and hard work always manages to reach the goal of prestige.
the fourth attempt over the committee was very brightly with excellent 69/100: is a genius, deserves a prominent place in society. With the necessary requirements
enter now for the Centre to join the Lombardy Fair, to monitor the "Expo cake."
The salary is not suited to his fine qualities, but for the sake of this country, is content to just € 12,000 a month to fight corruption and nepotism.
regional elections of 2010, just 21 years, was elected regional councilor. We can say with great satisfaction that in this country who are dedicated to the study and hard work always manages to reach the goal of prestige.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wet And Wavy Human Wigs
Diversity in 2010
I write a new friend, Denis, and asks me (Take example, people write and asked):
"Francesco ... Today, in 2010, as the world you're living disability? In your opinion, what did not young people understand us? "
Dear Denis, now live the world of disabilities exactly as I have always lived. In the meetings that I hold (with schools, citizenship, etc.) this is usually one of the first (indeed , certainly the first ...) arguments that crop up. Obviously. Let's say I live almost outside the world of disability, to be honest sometimes I feel almost part of it. Maybe because I feel "too normal", nor disabled nor a disability, or any other term of crap could have been invented to date. Maybe because I find it absurd to consider "more than" just because the other one has his ass in a wheelchair, in a material world where everything is fundamentally different. Yet among "people like me" (we understand each other ...) are "abnormal", a "different between the various" so to speak. Disabled people are often those emphasizing and stressing over all their "diversity" ... Who tend to want to put them in a circulating. My concepts, what I think I understand about this, I can make them much easier to understand a so-called "healthy" rather than my own, so to speak, "appears" (how many quotes in this article, quotes for you imply. How I do not have to write in 2010, this post. How I wish there was no need to use quotation marks). At the beginning I do not capacitive like this thing could happen, it was absurd. For me, in a wheelchair, was and is so natural not to feel "more different" than those who do not is that I could not understand how the others did not share that idea. Then I thought, and I found the answer. They have not had an extraordinary family like mine! Let's start with a principle: every being, in principle, arises in relation to other companies and how his family was placed before him. Attention, affection has nothing to do here ... Love ... O Good. A person may also want you all to the good of this world, but can have certain behaviors that kill your soul. I definitely have had two parents who I have always wanted very well, but what made me "strong" was their regard me as a person, a child is both normal and equal to all others. I have always done the same life that led them, I have created an ad hoc life easier or more comfortable. They are not the big things that make up a personality, but little details. Do you feel when someone does not arise with you in a natural and spontaneous, I personally have developed the ability to immediately realizing it. Here, my parents have always put me in a natural and spontaneous, as with any child (and, as a child, I have always been driven to seek what I would have liked to do and be in life, which were my talents, experiencing as much as possible ... And now here I am an artist). Among my friends "bodywork" I have not noticed, unfortunately, the same path. I have some dear friends, the children of rich people, who were certainly more than I do from a material point of view (equipment, technology etc.), had everything one might need a wheelchair. These guys, however, fail to relate in a practical and free those who do not live with their own condition. They think that those who are not in a wheelchair can not and / or able to understand them. Well, this is a mechanism that is often triggered in the mind of mankind. It 's normal, but it is wrong. In life domains, such as mentioned above, the Diversity. Even in Diversity award choices, choose what is certainly different from us produce the best results. Unite people with similar problems often leads to phenomena such as self-pity, or the worsening of the worst sides of their "edge". Merging, however, people with roots fundamentally "different" create a kind of compensation joints. The shortcomings are overcome by a second, and vice versa. This thing I've noticed a lot in my relationship with young people, but to talk about this later when I will answer the second question of Denis. Why, people with disabilities, this triggered a strong mechanism of self-exclusion? Why families who have behind them, from childhood, they have become accustomed to frequent places and people that existed exclusively something inherent in their "diversity" ... Like almost get used to want to deal with their "similar". My family, for instance, has ever made me see, even from afar, a center for any "poor unfortunate children." I have always lived with others, among others. 100%. This led me to have no veils before our eyes, not to feel inhabitant of a "parallel world". The fault, however, is not even their families. I'll put yourself in their shoes, and I understand. In life you always do the "around 8", put yourself in the shoes of others? Here ... If I put myself on the side of a family that suddenly finds itself the "surprise", something that has never had to do and perhaps almost even heard of, who nevertheless chose not to make abortion (and There are not many, unfortunately ...), I say it is normal that they go to seek answers in the Company. And therein lies the problem, my dear Denis, here surrenders to the heart of your question: "Today, in 2010, as you're living the world of disability?". I, personally, fine. I live a completely normal life, got married, I do not miss anything ... I do not feel different because in a wheelchair, I feel rather unique (all, each one of us is unique) for some of my special (being in a wheelchair is one of them, but is neither the first nor, even more important). All this, however, because I am. Francesco Canale, aka Soul Blu . With all that behind me (family, etc., etc.). In the world not all, however, have been so lucky. And then the question must turn it over to Denis for all those who go to seek answers in the Company: "Today, in 2010, the Company is experiencing the world as a disability?". Evil, in my opinion. Very bad. He lives not only hurt the disability, but all the diversity in general. We live in a society that wants to pretend that diversity does not exist, he wants to forget people that we are all different. This is serious, it's crazy. Diversity is life itself. Going against the Diversity means, therefore, go against life itself. The society in which we live, then, is basically "against life" (some would say, gently, stoned to those Catholics who do not have any way to abortion and no screaming madly in love while Capitalism?). We start from a premise: there is something in man which leads him to reject Diversity. Always. It 's a mechanism that has existed since the world. In all of the companies prior to our Diversity has always been considered mange, divine punishment, curse, always never a problem and a resource. How many wars have been made and today we are against Diversity (even if there is to say, Man is great to cover its vested interests masquerading as ... semblance of concepts). The point, however, is exactly that: a time certain attitudes could be justified by attributing them to ignorance, lack of education, still being "too brutal". Today, instead? Today everyone is saying loudly that diversity is not a problem, that we support the diversity (the idiocy of this sentence: You must be in favor of something that belongs to you? Do you support yourself?), Which does not marginalize but rather integrate. Bales. All bales, coated of respectability. We "pretend" to be civilized ones, those who do not have problems to deal with life. But no. Only that we are smart, we found a way to "clean" and "politically correct" to get rid of Diversity. Or rather, try to get rid of (the diversity is everywhere, the more the more you choke out ... like a volcano!). We invented capitalism. Yeah. We have not invented mainly for this purpose: basically serves to enrich the few, fucking everyone else in the illusion of one day make them rich. It 'clear, however, that to make a few rich can not be a World of "different." The mechanism would not work. Choke Diversity becomes at the same time, the need and virtues. We have created an idea "shared" to "normality", where normal is the one who produces. In any event, the important thing is that it produces. Not a person, not soul, not essence, but a mere freshman. Whoever comes out from this pattern is basically a "different", a problem to be eliminated. Who does not produce or does not adapt, is included in a group of people made all like him. It must be so, it can be done differently. If the "other" were living free in the Company would become the "Loose Cannons", as suggested by the title of the latest film by Ferzan Ozpetek. Disability, therefore, undergoes the same treatment. Disability in Society in 2010 can hardly be seen, it's all grouped into small circular sad. Just like the one in 800 of 500, and so on. On television, you rarely see a disabled person (except in some Catholic transmission that is the subject of the poor "unfortunate" that God loves so much, or when Bruno Vespa is organizing the "theme night" and invited 500 people with disabilities at once), and this helps to ensure that when a person crosses the street in a wheelchair remains thrilled (homosexuality, for example, is a much more integrated diversity ... because TV is very easy to see a gay man, even if the homosexual is often " exploited "because it makes you smile ... A bit like the minstrels of yore). A person "disabled" in a company where you always make it to 500%, is unlikely to work (the list, as well as being something really sad, not even work). In short, there are many problems. It often ends like this: my sister works in a nursing home, and recently told me of a boy of 30 years, suffering from muscular dystrophy, which has only ever lived with his mother, has never developed as a person .. . Now that the mother became elderly and the dependent child, having no other, ended with her in a nursing home ... At 30 years!? I find it crazy, and m'indigno deeply. This is our Company, a company that does not show for Italian families with a disability "winner" (who like me getting married, working, living a normal life in other words) but instead takes them to certain places, thoughts, ways of acting and ask, concerns. Oh yes, because if a child with "problems" can not create a normal life, the greatest concern of parents becomes, in a very selfish society, inter alia, what will happen to him one day that they will disappear. So arise Onlus "After us," like mushrooms. These non-profit organization often calls me for my artistic activities (one just last week), I go, I try to send something but I can assure you that the environments the most difficult of all, difficult parts to incorporate certain concepts as "different" and "new." The Company incorrectly influence families, families to turn their children, and children will eventually hurt themselves and influence their choices. It 's a vicious mechanism, we must break it. We must break because it suffocates the soul of people who, like all the other (neither more nor less), would have much to say and give to the world ... Dried up and die instead of themselves, and this is unacceptable for a society as advanced and civilized as he likes to be called that today in 2010.
We come to the second question to Denis: "In your opinion, what they did not understand the younger than us? ". Well, except that I do not know what they should understand us as" disabled. "That is, returning to the earlier remarks we are all different and each person, wheelchair or not, is unique. We must always relate to a 1, trying to figure out who you are facing. Those who are in a wheelchair I'm not all equal, everyone has a way to think, act, relate, has its taste. Think of trying to understand who they are All who live in a wheelchair is stupid, as well as unthinkable. Well, perhaps what is not understood (but why no one ever showed it to him, for no other reason) is that the "values" that the Company shall have the fake and passengers ... physical beauty, success, money, the apparatus instead of the Being. The true values, with a capital, certainly helping and encouraging acceptance of diversity. I think, because I tried it on my skin, that young people are most ready and willing to accept new concepts and "different." I have always lived among them and I never had any major problems, the contrary. Today, when I go talk to them in meetings that I hold, I get a lot. The problem is that the new generations have resigned, discouraged, dazed by all that the world's throw him and by the approval that the company tends to love him sew over. They like a veil before his eyes. Just recently, however, for dropping the veil, falls very more easily than an adult. Young people, I am convinced, would have no problem accepting the diversity if only someone would put it to him next. Young people love the diversity, seek it, precisely because they are still at an age when (thankfully) looking for themselves and their differences / uniqueness (procedure, this, that adults often do not nourish and sometimes even choke). I mentioned earlier in my relationship with young people, different problems and unity. Yes, for me it was just like that and the beauty is that it all happened so naturally and spontaneously. At school I always tried to do without a support teacher (this figure, often, if not is well used creates a wall between the boy and his companions), because I wanted to give me your hand the class. Usually, when I needed the first one stood up and came to help me out was called a "tough guy" ... Those that go bad in school, who come from dysfunctional family situations, what I affectionately called "pedal pushers". Irreparably, then we became friends because he was born a kind of spiritual and physical consistency: they gave a hand to me from a practical point of view, and I listen to them I was also trying to give him good advice. You see, dear friends, dear Denis, Diversity as always check out: the limits of one are offset by the ability the other, and vice versa. How should always be among good friends. Well, we arrived at the conclusion of this article. But I wanted to point out, many of you already know this, which strongly criticizes the company and, at first glance it may seem that I generalize too much or of indifference. It 'obvious that there is much good in society, some good ideas to start with (the young, for example) ... Diversity I wanted to emphasize, however, that, contrary to what may seem, we are still far behind. All of us engage, then. I say this especially to the most "different" (I feel a little like an idiot having to write such things): Do not resign yourself to live a mediocre life, not think that you can not live a normal life, do not stop those who are closest to you ... Go beyond, look beyond ... Outside your little horizon. There is a whole humanity, made especially for young people, just waiting to be educated and to know that the Society in 2010 often hides. Hugs to all, equal and different. Blue Soul
I write a new friend, Denis, and asks me (Take example, people write and asked):
"Francesco ... Today, in 2010, as the world you're living disability? In your opinion, what did not young people understand us? "
Dear Denis, now live the world of disabilities exactly as I have always lived. In the meetings that I hold (with schools, citizenship, etc.) this is usually one of the first (indeed , certainly the first ...) arguments that crop up. Obviously. Let's say I live almost outside the world of disability, to be honest sometimes I feel almost part of it. Maybe because I feel "too normal", nor disabled nor a disability, or any other term of crap could have been invented to date. Maybe because I find it absurd to consider "more than" just because the other one has his ass in a wheelchair, in a material world where everything is fundamentally different. Yet among "people like me" (we understand each other ...) are "abnormal", a "different between the various" so to speak. Disabled people are often those emphasizing and stressing over all their "diversity" ... Who tend to want to put them in a circulating. My concepts, what I think I understand about this, I can make them much easier to understand a so-called "healthy" rather than my own, so to speak, "appears" (how many quotes in this article, quotes for you imply. How I do not have to write in 2010, this post. How I wish there was no need to use quotation marks). At the beginning I do not capacitive like this thing could happen, it was absurd. For me, in a wheelchair, was and is so natural not to feel "more different" than those who do not is that I could not understand how the others did not share that idea. Then I thought, and I found the answer. They have not had an extraordinary family like mine! Let's start with a principle: every being, in principle, arises in relation to other companies and how his family was placed before him. Attention, affection has nothing to do here ... Love ... O Good. A person may also want you all to the good of this world, but can have certain behaviors that kill your soul. I definitely have had two parents who I have always wanted very well, but what made me "strong" was their regard me as a person, a child is both normal and equal to all others. I have always done the same life that led them, I have created an ad hoc life easier or more comfortable. They are not the big things that make up a personality, but little details. Do you feel when someone does not arise with you in a natural and spontaneous, I personally have developed the ability to immediately realizing it. Here, my parents have always put me in a natural and spontaneous, as with any child (and, as a child, I have always been driven to seek what I would have liked to do and be in life, which were my talents, experiencing as much as possible ... And now here I am an artist). Among my friends "bodywork" I have not noticed, unfortunately, the same path. I have some dear friends, the children of rich people, who were certainly more than I do from a material point of view (equipment, technology etc.), had everything one might need a wheelchair. These guys, however, fail to relate in a practical and free those who do not live with their own condition. They think that those who are not in a wheelchair can not and / or able to understand them. Well, this is a mechanism that is often triggered in the mind of mankind. It 's normal, but it is wrong. In life domains, such as mentioned above, the Diversity. Even in Diversity award choices, choose what is certainly different from us produce the best results. Unite people with similar problems often leads to phenomena such as self-pity, or the worsening of the worst sides of their "edge". Merging, however, people with roots fundamentally "different" create a kind of compensation joints. The shortcomings are overcome by a second, and vice versa. This thing I've noticed a lot in my relationship with young people, but to talk about this later when I will answer the second question of Denis. Why, people with disabilities, this triggered a strong mechanism of self-exclusion? Why families who have behind them, from childhood, they have become accustomed to frequent places and people that existed exclusively something inherent in their "diversity" ... Like almost get used to want to deal with their "similar". My family, for instance, has ever made me see, even from afar, a center for any "poor unfortunate children." I have always lived with others, among others. 100%. This led me to have no veils before our eyes, not to feel inhabitant of a "parallel world". The fault, however, is not even their families. I'll put yourself in their shoes, and I understand. In life you always do the "around 8", put yourself in the shoes of others? Here ... If I put myself on the side of a family that suddenly finds itself the "surprise", something that has never had to do and perhaps almost even heard of, who nevertheless chose not to make abortion (and There are not many, unfortunately ...), I say it is normal that they go to seek answers in the Company. And therein lies the problem, my dear Denis, here surrenders to the heart of your question: "Today, in 2010, as you're living the world of disability?". I, personally, fine. I live a completely normal life, got married, I do not miss anything ... I do not feel different because in a wheelchair, I feel rather unique (all, each one of us is unique) for some of my special (being in a wheelchair is one of them, but is neither the first nor, even more important). All this, however, because I am. Francesco Canale, aka Soul Blu . With all that behind me (family, etc., etc.). In the world not all, however, have been so lucky. And then the question must turn it over to Denis for all those who go to seek answers in the Company: "Today, in 2010, the Company is experiencing the world as a disability?". Evil, in my opinion. Very bad. He lives not only hurt the disability, but all the diversity in general. We live in a society that wants to pretend that diversity does not exist, he wants to forget people that we are all different. This is serious, it's crazy. Diversity is life itself. Going against the Diversity means, therefore, go against life itself. The society in which we live, then, is basically "against life" (some would say, gently, stoned to those Catholics who do not have any way to abortion and no screaming madly in love while Capitalism?). We start from a premise: there is something in man which leads him to reject Diversity. Always. It 's a mechanism that has existed since the world. In all of the companies prior to our Diversity has always been considered mange, divine punishment, curse, always never a problem and a resource. How many wars have been made and today we are against Diversity (even if there is to say, Man is great to cover its vested interests masquerading as ... semblance of concepts). The point, however, is exactly that: a time certain attitudes could be justified by attributing them to ignorance, lack of education, still being "too brutal". Today, instead? Today everyone is saying loudly that diversity is not a problem, that we support the diversity (the idiocy of this sentence: You must be in favor of something that belongs to you? Do you support yourself?), Which does not marginalize but rather integrate. Bales. All bales, coated of respectability. We "pretend" to be civilized ones, those who do not have problems to deal with life. But no. Only that we are smart, we found a way to "clean" and "politically correct" to get rid of Diversity. Or rather, try to get rid of (the diversity is everywhere, the more the more you choke out ... like a volcano!). We invented capitalism. Yeah. We have not invented mainly for this purpose: basically serves to enrich the few, fucking everyone else in the illusion of one day make them rich. It 'clear, however, that to make a few rich can not be a World of "different." The mechanism would not work. Choke Diversity becomes at the same time, the need and virtues. We have created an idea "shared" to "normality", where normal is the one who produces. In any event, the important thing is that it produces. Not a person, not soul, not essence, but a mere freshman. Whoever comes out from this pattern is basically a "different", a problem to be eliminated. Who does not produce or does not adapt, is included in a group of people made all like him. It must be so, it can be done differently. If the "other" were living free in the Company would become the "Loose Cannons", as suggested by the title of the latest film by Ferzan Ozpetek. Disability, therefore, undergoes the same treatment. Disability in Society in 2010 can hardly be seen, it's all grouped into small circular sad. Just like the one in 800 of 500, and so on. On television, you rarely see a disabled person (except in some Catholic transmission that is the subject of the poor "unfortunate" that God loves so much, or when Bruno Vespa is organizing the "theme night" and invited 500 people with disabilities at once), and this helps to ensure that when a person crosses the street in a wheelchair remains thrilled (homosexuality, for example, is a much more integrated diversity ... because TV is very easy to see a gay man, even if the homosexual is often " exploited "because it makes you smile ... A bit like the minstrels of yore). A person "disabled" in a company where you always make it to 500%, is unlikely to work (the list, as well as being something really sad, not even work). In short, there are many problems. It often ends like this: my sister works in a nursing home, and recently told me of a boy of 30 years, suffering from muscular dystrophy, which has only ever lived with his mother, has never developed as a person .. . Now that the mother became elderly and the dependent child, having no other, ended with her in a nursing home ... At 30 years!? I find it crazy, and m'indigno deeply. This is our Company, a company that does not show for Italian families with a disability "winner" (who like me getting married, working, living a normal life in other words) but instead takes them to certain places, thoughts, ways of acting and ask, concerns. Oh yes, because if a child with "problems" can not create a normal life, the greatest concern of parents becomes, in a very selfish society, inter alia, what will happen to him one day that they will disappear. So arise Onlus "After us," like mushrooms. These non-profit organization often calls me for my artistic activities (one just last week), I go, I try to send something but I can assure you that the environments the most difficult of all, difficult parts to incorporate certain concepts as "different" and "new." The Company incorrectly influence families, families to turn their children, and children will eventually hurt themselves and influence their choices. It 's a vicious mechanism, we must break it. We must break because it suffocates the soul of people who, like all the other (neither more nor less), would have much to say and give to the world ... Dried up and die instead of themselves, and this is unacceptable for a society as advanced and civilized as he likes to be called that today in 2010.
We come to the second question to Denis: "In your opinion, what they did not understand the younger than us? ". Well, except that I do not know what they should understand us as" disabled. "That is, returning to the earlier remarks we are all different and each person, wheelchair or not, is unique. We must always relate to a 1, trying to figure out who you are facing. Those who are in a wheelchair I'm not all equal, everyone has a way to think, act, relate, has its taste. Think of trying to understand who they are All who live in a wheelchair is stupid, as well as unthinkable. Well, perhaps what is not understood (but why no one ever showed it to him, for no other reason) is that the "values" that the Company shall have the fake and passengers ... physical beauty, success, money, the apparatus instead of the Being. The true values, with a capital, certainly helping and encouraging acceptance of diversity. I think, because I tried it on my skin, that young people are most ready and willing to accept new concepts and "different." I have always lived among them and I never had any major problems, the contrary. Today, when I go talk to them in meetings that I hold, I get a lot. The problem is that the new generations have resigned, discouraged, dazed by all that the world's throw him and by the approval that the company tends to love him sew over. They like a veil before his eyes. Just recently, however, for dropping the veil, falls very more easily than an adult. Young people, I am convinced, would have no problem accepting the diversity if only someone would put it to him next. Young people love the diversity, seek it, precisely because they are still at an age when (thankfully) looking for themselves and their differences / uniqueness (procedure, this, that adults often do not nourish and sometimes even choke). I mentioned earlier in my relationship with young people, different problems and unity. Yes, for me it was just like that and the beauty is that it all happened so naturally and spontaneously. At school I always tried to do without a support teacher (this figure, often, if not is well used creates a wall between the boy and his companions), because I wanted to give me your hand the class. Usually, when I needed the first one stood up and came to help me out was called a "tough guy" ... Those that go bad in school, who come from dysfunctional family situations, what I affectionately called "pedal pushers". Irreparably, then we became friends because he was born a kind of spiritual and physical consistency: they gave a hand to me from a practical point of view, and I listen to them I was also trying to give him good advice. You see, dear friends, dear Denis, Diversity as always check out: the limits of one are offset by the ability the other, and vice versa. How should always be among good friends. Well, we arrived at the conclusion of this article. But I wanted to point out, many of you already know this, which strongly criticizes the company and, at first glance it may seem that I generalize too much or of indifference. It 'obvious that there is much good in society, some good ideas to start with (the young, for example) ... Diversity I wanted to emphasize, however, that, contrary to what may seem, we are still far behind. All of us engage, then. I say this especially to the most "different" (I feel a little like an idiot having to write such things): Do not resign yourself to live a mediocre life, not think that you can not live a normal life, do not stop those who are closest to you ... Go beyond, look beyond ... Outside your little horizon. There is a whole humanity, made especially for young people, just waiting to be educated and to know that the Society in 2010 often hides. Hugs to all, equal and different. Blue Soul
Personal Wedding Blogs Welcoming Messages
The Madness of Mankind ... The Day of Judgement
NICLA Panciera
intromettesse If a cow is now in our conversation with the roar worthy of a baritone, difficult I could understand what is trying to tell us. Quite similar is the perception that in future we will have that old, stupid and antiquanto way of communicating called speech. "
Word of Kevin Warwick, professor of cybernetics at Reading University in Britain, and the first bionic man. "It is no longer science fiction and not a matter of technology. Being bionic men and women not only mean a strengthening of the performance of our brain, but can be equipped with new powers unthinkable today, how to communicate my thoughts with our fellow man, to think in four or five dimensions, do not limit ourselves to the five senses '. Even the most addicted
technology and its gadgets can only be astonished by the promises - and the pioneering experiments carried out on his own body - the only man who has linked his nervous system to a computer and broke it put on the Internet, being able to communicate "telegram" with his wife, to move objects thousands of miles away by himself and technically extrasensory perception experiment. "Today we already use external media to increase our computing power and memory, why not integrate them into our body? Why not let our memory becomes the memory of the machines? "He asks, not too provocatively, the British scientist, who recalls such as high tech makes it possible to integrate a number of objects in the body, such as artificial limbs made of carbon, which can be better than the original human, or cochlear implants which restore hearing and artificial retinas.
for Warwick, who in 1998 became a microchip implanted in his left arm in RF in 2002 and engage hundreds of microelectrodes in the nerve endings of the same limb, the next step - he explains - "it will be a brain implant for communication directly from brain to brain. In seven, more than 10 years. "
"If we were cyborgs - he says - we have an entirely different vision of world before us: to change radically the systems of education and health, not only for interpersonal communication. We must continue to investigate the brain function, but in the meantime we are able to create a biological basis of brain neurons in rats. Properly stimulated, they form the neuronal networks that are then implanted into robots, where connections are strengthened with experience. This is real learning. "
"What does being a bat?" Wondered 40 years ago in its "Mortal Questions" The philosopher Thomas Nagel, one of the most important works of philosophy of mind. "Now I have the answer! - Warwick says -. I experienced the perception of ultrasound. Despite the blindfold, I was able to move and know exactly the distance of objects due to the electrical impulses that stimulated my brain so much more intense as I approached them. " And yet - he adds - it says surprised at how slowly advanced in this field. "After the success of the first test, I think that many would follow. Not so: the majority of scientists are extremely conservative. " Despite
receives both state and private funds, the professor is often the target of a fire of emotions ranging from benevolence, such as that expressed by the Bishop of Coventry, "who supported my work for the possible effects the fate of men, hostility, although Warwick ensures that "there are very few colleagues who openly dissent," to the curious position of expectations, as the "many volunteers who contact me to participate in the experiments. Some are suffering from severe neural disorders, while others are journalists, professors or lawyers, aware of the potential of my work. "
Warwick promises a revolution. "I'm afraid that today, more and more obvious the increase of social differences is a consequence of the technology - says -. Indeed, there are huge disparities between the companies concerned. After all, we fly from one continent to another, even if a large part of the world's population can afford. " The scenery, however, could change radically. The bionic man - he said - opens attractive prospects, as the liberation from work more strenuous and monotonous, and a transformation of the concept of free time, a "space" to devote to activities very stimulating, emphasized by the cognitive and sensory generated by symbiosis biology & machines. It is not enough. "My test, such as those to" grow "a brain, make it possible to shed light on its operation, responding to critical medical issues, such as treatment and care of stroke patients, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's." And progress in these areas - he stresses - to care about anyone, even those who are opposed to disturbing hybrid cyborg.
All right, then? Not really. The risks to be bionic - like any creature - are lurking. "The signals of the computer - Warwick contends - could" colonize "is the brain is the body, altering them, becoming actual virus." The biological world and the technology have yet to learn this.
NICLA Panciera
intromettesse If a cow is now in our conversation with the roar worthy of a baritone, difficult I could understand what is trying to tell us. Quite similar is the perception that in future we will have that old, stupid and antiquanto way of communicating called speech. "
Word of Kevin Warwick, professor of cybernetics at Reading University in Britain, and the first bionic man. "It is no longer science fiction and not a matter of technology. Being bionic men and women not only mean a strengthening of the performance of our brain, but can be equipped with new powers unthinkable today, how to communicate my thoughts with our fellow man, to think in four or five dimensions, do not limit ourselves to the five senses '. Even the most addicted
technology and its gadgets can only be astonished by the promises - and the pioneering experiments carried out on his own body - the only man who has linked his nervous system to a computer and broke it put on the Internet, being able to communicate "telegram" with his wife, to move objects thousands of miles away by himself and technically extrasensory perception experiment. "Today we already use external media to increase our computing power and memory, why not integrate them into our body? Why not let our memory becomes the memory of the machines? "He asks, not too provocatively, the British scientist, who recalls such as high tech makes it possible to integrate a number of objects in the body, such as artificial limbs made of carbon, which can be better than the original human, or cochlear implants which restore hearing and artificial retinas.
for Warwick, who in 1998 became a microchip implanted in his left arm in RF in 2002 and engage hundreds of microelectrodes in the nerve endings of the same limb, the next step - he explains - "it will be a brain implant for communication directly from brain to brain. In seven, more than 10 years. "
"If we were cyborgs - he says - we have an entirely different vision of world before us: to change radically the systems of education and health, not only for interpersonal communication. We must continue to investigate the brain function, but in the meantime we are able to create a biological basis of brain neurons in rats. Properly stimulated, they form the neuronal networks that are then implanted into robots, where connections are strengthened with experience. This is real learning. "
"What does being a bat?" Wondered 40 years ago in its "Mortal Questions" The philosopher Thomas Nagel, one of the most important works of philosophy of mind. "Now I have the answer! - Warwick says -. I experienced the perception of ultrasound. Despite the blindfold, I was able to move and know exactly the distance of objects due to the electrical impulses that stimulated my brain so much more intense as I approached them. " And yet - he adds - it says surprised at how slowly advanced in this field. "After the success of the first test, I think that many would follow. Not so: the majority of scientists are extremely conservative. " Despite
receives both state and private funds, the professor is often the target of a fire of emotions ranging from benevolence, such as that expressed by the Bishop of Coventry, "who supported my work for the possible effects the fate of men, hostility, although Warwick ensures that "there are very few colleagues who openly dissent," to the curious position of expectations, as the "many volunteers who contact me to participate in the experiments. Some are suffering from severe neural disorders, while others are journalists, professors or lawyers, aware of the potential of my work. "
Warwick promises a revolution. "I'm afraid that today, more and more obvious the increase of social differences is a consequence of the technology - says -. Indeed, there are huge disparities between the companies concerned. After all, we fly from one continent to another, even if a large part of the world's population can afford. " The scenery, however, could change radically. The bionic man - he said - opens attractive prospects, as the liberation from work more strenuous and monotonous, and a transformation of the concept of free time, a "space" to devote to activities very stimulating, emphasized by the cognitive and sensory generated by symbiosis biology & machines. It is not enough. "My test, such as those to" grow "a brain, make it possible to shed light on its operation, responding to critical medical issues, such as treatment and care of stroke patients, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's." And progress in these areas - he stresses - to care about anyone, even those who are opposed to disturbing hybrid cyborg.
All right, then? Not really. The risks to be bionic - like any creature - are lurking. "The signals of the computer - Warwick contends - could" colonize "is the brain is the body, altering them, becoming actual virus." The biological world and the technology have yet to learn this.
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