No information on a leash
E 'the event to be held Saturday, September 19th in Piazza del Popolo in Rome FNSI convened by the National Federation of the Italian press beginning at 16:00. On this occasion you have created a blog with documents, interviews, statements: All the anticipation of what you are going to complain loudly 19. To be in danger is precisely the freedom of information, the weird art. 21 of the Constitution and the inalienable right of every citizen to be informed. The complaints of the premier in La Repubblica and L'Unità , the delays in the contracts of employees Santoro (including that of labor) for the transmission Annozero (whose beginning is not yet advertised by Rai), the possible replacement of Paolo Ruffini, the problems with the Dandini, Fazio and Litizzetto, Report to the lack of protection are all signs that should make us reflect on whether Italy still deserves be called democracy. I sincerely hope that the event will serve at least to turn the spotlight on the issue because the projected dark times have already arrived.